Cancel Subscriptions, Send Complaints and Report Issues with any App
Join over 2,000 users who use AppContacter daily to contact over 200,000 Apps to cancel subscriptions, send complaints, delete accounts, etc.
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Explore the benefits of AppContacter
From faster outreach to super fast responses, AppContacter helps you:
Send feedback and complaints to Apps
AppContacter makes it easy to send feedback to Apps, right from our website.
Cancel Subscriptions
We email your cancellation requests directly to the App and send you the developer's email so you can get in direct contact with them.
Delete Accounts and Personal Data
Deleting accounts can be tricky. We help you send data deletion requests under the CCPA and GDPR to App developers. Saving you time and headaches. All for free!
Keep track of your Sent messages and requests
Easily view feedback you've sent using our user-friendly dashboard and contact as many Apps as you like.
Help developer's improve their app's experience
With user feedback, complaints and feature requests, developers are provided with real-time data to help them improve their apps and products.
AppContacter for Developers
- Manage direct complaints and requests from users all in one place on AppContacter
- Use your App's page on AppContacter as your site's "Contact us" page.
- Privacy settings to enhance anonymous user feedback collection.
- Get direct access to user data.
- Collect Unlimited user feedback for free!