1. So far this IPTV app is amazing! I have been trying to purchase the premium version for 24 hours but keep receiving an error and the only support received addresses payment errors.
2. During my research I found out about the TiviMate Companion app so I gave that a try and HOLY SMOKE.....IT WORKS!!! Upgrading review to 4 stars only because the purchase function doesn't work inside the app as intended.This app has been amazing.
3. This app deserves 5 stars even AS IT IS, and I am excited for the future updates.Worked great for a long time but for about a month now it’s been terrible on both my firestick and nvidia.
4. They should have an alternate method of purchase....like on a website where you can log into your account!!!! Please fix (Error retrieving information from server DJ-DFERH-01) UPDATE: So apparently if you own an Nvidia Shield this is a common problem.
5. I'd love to see a DVR feature added in the future (with the ability to save shows across the network to a NAS or PC etc), and it would also be nice to be able to scroll horizontally to see shows coming up further down the timeline (especially if a DVR gets added).
6. After having tried most of the popular IPTV players out there, I have to say that this is by far the most elegant looking, feature rich and stable IPTV player I've come across (v2.1.5 on Nvidia Shield).
7. Also if you record a show and go to watch it, the picture would frezze up and the sound would continue.Absolutely the best IPTV playlist management app out there.
8. The record function only records for 4 mins OR if it records an entire show, the playback will skip, loop, or freeze.
9. It works flawlessly on my Nvidia Shield, but for some reason it's not working for my Firestick.
10. It is definitely tivimate.Update 6 June 2021: While watching TV, all of a sudden I lost ALL groups, favorites and everything!!! What is going on? I've never had a problem with this app until tonight...very disappointing.
11. Now that it's added the ability to edit channel names, that means many more hours of intense tweaking.
TiviMate not working on firestick. Getting ParserException on all channels. Updated TiviMate and Firestick, Reloaded app, checked all setting
I want to cancel my subscription. I don't use it at all
I paid for subscription, how do I log in on tv?
I just took a trial subscription and want just the trial. I don't want to continue the monthly subscription. Please ensure this doesn't happen. Thanks...
Please help cancel elbasalon@gmail. Com
I have set up an account but I think I need to cancel it. I have tried to get premium but it doesnt seem to work. The account I set up with TIVI was an outlook address and think I needed to set it up with my gmail address . Can you please delete my outlook address so I can start the process again?
Can i have my password reset please?
Hi, I want to cancel my subscription. I logged in with email Bhavna6789@redacted. Please help
I cannot access my registered account. I paid the annual amount, but I cannot access my account
I cannot access my registered account. I paid the annual amount, but I cannot access my account
I cannot access my account, what should I do, because they are asking me to pay again
please can i cancel my iptv player
Please cancel any subscription that I have
Hi - Can you cancel the subscription for the following user; Pauljordan55@redacted I’m his brother and he’s not sure how to do it!
I purchased one year on Dec. 8 and do not wish to renew it. I don't see where I can turn off the autorenew function. I wish to keep the 1 year subscription but that will be all i will be needing please do not charge me for anymore after my current subscription ends.
There's nothing wrong with tivimate just my provider so I just have to cancel for now please
Yes the provider I had is not working out so I just for now I need to cancel my TV mate subscription. It hasn't even went in yet. If someone could please get back to me
Hello I am changing broadband provider so I want to change my premium account email from grahamwilkins@redacted to my new email grandagraham60@redacted can you help?
Getting error code 511 on all the live tv channels
The epg doesn't work for my extreme link on tivimate for other iptv app like ibo player the epg works for
When can I expect my credit for my cancellation of mytivimate sybscription
How do I cancel my subscription and buy the lifetime?
Dear Sir/Madam, For a long time, I have been trying in every way to buy an annual subscription for tivimate IPTV premium player, but I always encounter a problem when buying through tivimate companion. I get a message with the following content: billing unavailable. Please allow me another payment method. You can inform me about everything at my email address gluscevicbozo@redacted Thank you very much.
I want to cancel my subscription. Can you help?
I want to cancel my subscription
My service was turned off last night due to your company charging me twice the last two months. My account is paid until the next payment is due November 15 2023. I need my service back on since I paid for it.
I wish to cancel my subscription as I have decided to not to continue to use fire cube.
Lost all my channels. Reloaded tivimate and installed best USA IPTV which said processed and still no channels, tried several times. Everything worked fine for about a week then died. Please help, Thank you.
How do I cancel? This won’t work. It won’t let me log in. Please cancel.
Someone I don't know was instructing me on installing Tivimate and left me before it was completed. I didn't know what this app was. I finally looked it up and it is not something I want installed on my TV. If an account was created I wish to delete it. I have removed the app from my Fire Stick but want to make sure it has all been removed. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Dear Sirs; I made a big mistake in subscribing to TiviMate. I really don’t understand how to use it and I am not going to even try. Please cancel my subscription immediately. I’m requesting a refund since I have not nor will be using. My name is: Deanna Fradley Invoice #73B1225D 0001 Address: 23472 Charleston Cir Unit 316 Port Charlotte, Fl 33980 Phone number: 941-380-1615 I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Hello, My name is Heath Wynn. I need to cancel my Tivimate account subscription. I have not used this service at all, and you billed me again today, for something I am not using. I could never get Tivimate to work. Blank screens the entire time. I want to cancel this subscription. Thank You, Heath Wynn 615-674-6306
Please delete my account. I purchased the full subscription and don't want it anymore
Hallo, I have had great technichal installation problems with TiVimate and now I would like to cancel my subscriptipn. Please confirm when done. Kind regards, Olof
Hi guys..I bought a subscription with yous yesterday and iv made a mistake..I think..lol..I can't get it to work..
please cancel as my daughter did it by mistake thank you Esther Smith
Please cancel and send my money back I made an error I just got it 2 hours ago
The quality of the service leaves a lot to be desired. It freeze, locks up and loses our favorites on a weekly basis. I am so tired of this i am ready to cancel our subscription unless a resolution is found.
Cencel Subscription
Purchased Tivimate forgot password and cannot unlock premium features
I want to cancel my subscription to Tivimate. Somehow im not able to do it via my Google account. Email: fellesmurberg@redacted. renewal is set to 29. Januar, 2024
Cancel my service please
When I subscribed to the TiviMate Companion app an error was made when entering the email address. I would like to correct the address so the product will work. Thank you
I am getting an error message for all my TV stations. Error 401. Can get Netflix and prime etc but not TV
I want to change my subscription from yearly to a 1 off payment how do I do it
Hi, I purchased a premium and paid. But when I log in it says no valid order and I can’t do anything. Help please
Tivimate is not starting earlier showed error 4 and now it is requiring register information
Hi I paid a transaction on PayPal to you just know of my wrong bank acc and need to cancel all payments .it's PayPal transaction 9B5391097B3790503
Error code 404 across everything
How do I prevent scheduled recordings from terminating before the end of the scheduled time?
Hi, I have just paid for premium and I don’t have any sound when trying to watch any tv show. It is like it is on mute but everything is set fine. Please help
I have 3 Amazon firestick. All was working fine. But one stop to work. I can put the link I still have there. The one I have to the other 2 that working. I’m trying to put on my smart tv too(Hisense) but it’s no work too.
I have 3 Amazon firestick. All was working fine. But one stop to
I try to connect but it requires the serveur address : what shall I put pleases ? Thank you
cannot activated my devices
The adult channels are not working. It keeps saying code 404 can u please assist me
How do i get support if I'm having a recording issue with tivimate?is there a phone number i can call? I use NVidia shield devices and have a pro and standard version. On the pro, any recordings to my external drive playback briefly just fine, then the video pauses and audio continues. The video then catches up and replays a large section of what has already played. This cycle keeps repeating making any recording nearly impossible to watch.If i record using the option build into the shield pro to the same external, there are no issues during playback. On the shield standard, I can record to a micro SD card, but playback of something 60min long only shows a timeline of about 7min. This does not allow me to skip ahead in the recording or skip commercials. please advise
I have Tivimate premium and need to add my IPTV service to it - how do I do this
Before the last update, I was able to open recorded videos using external app. However, now that option isn't available. I have my own server where my recordings are stored. But if I click on the recording it will play using the "stock" player included in your app. I preferred the MXPlayer app that I was using when viewing my recordings and had the option until this last update. Please let me know if there's a fix or work around for this. Thanks -Jay
Error code 511
Hello I got à Tcl TV with googletv installed and I have an issue with my usb hard drive I can t use my usb drive for back up and for recording What should I do to make it possible because thé storage capacité of the TV is only 12 g Thanks
I’m setting up and would like a working url, and epg please. I’ve tried to research, but I think I should have gotten a url/epg? Thank you
Hello I would like to know how many devices we have if we pay the premium version ?
I bought TiviMate Premium and am enjoying using it very much! I mainly watch VOD and currently have 3 playlists. The biggest usage problem I have is trying to identify the playlist when looking at shows and movies that I saved to My List. An option to add the playlist name in the description or on the thumbnail would be extremely helpful! Thanks for your consideration!
Hello, My guide is constantly saying no information. Why is this happening and how do you fix it. Doesn't make me happy since this is a paid subscription.
For a few days now there is "no information" on the guide? I am logged In and have unlocked premium! Can't seem to get it to display what's on TV for any of the channels? I added a playlist, updated the epg and playlist still no information
Something went wrong on our end. Please try again. I can't upgrade
I want to have one tv mate account. I need some information
Hello, I have a website and I use an application application that is an alternative to the last part of the program, and the received ones are maintained and selected by the website because it always worked without your website.
I have paid lifetime subscription. But the app says subscription expired. Please help
Hi I just recently purchased premium and for some reason the app seems slow and times and even crashes could u help?
bonjour j ai pris un abonnement sur 12mois il y a moin d un mois et suite a un probleme internet qui est resolu je n arrive plus a me connecter avec l url http://megabelac.xyz pouvez vous me donner la solution cordialement
Hi I am using Tivimate 4.6 premium and the images for a lot if the movies are not loading I am using Amazon Firestick - I would appreciate help.
Getting rerror code 404
the tivimate on my firestick some of the channels aren't playing what it's showing on the screen. tried to update it and that isn't working
I am trying to get my url to make a new Playlist and I never received one I'm my email. May I please get assistance on getting a url.
I can never get the live NFL games to be in the right spot. My tv guide says the team names and most of the time it is the wrong games. I wanted to watch the buffalo bills game but the jets game was on it instead.
i would like to cancel my subscription because i don't us it anymore
Is there a setting on Tivimate that can me it open to a specific group. For example, I would like Tivimate to always open and start on the group: USA Entertainment
I can’t access my account when I try to log in. I forgot my password and asked for an email. Haven’t received one.
For a few days now there is "no information" on the guide? I am logged In and have unlocked premium! Can't seem to get it to display what's on TV for any of the channels?
bonjour j'ai l'application tivimate sur IPTV depuis 1 an et depuis 3 mois je ne reçois plus les nouveaux films que dois-je faire? merci
I have type a new conectet over xtrem codes. i write my Name and my passwort and serer adress but the further is not active. Pleas help me.
the EPG works perfectly, but the channels will not connect....buffers then "error 403"....was previously working fine with the m3u and epg....i have a drogontv subscription. thank you
Bonjour.. Je voulez activée un compte premium sur ma télé Android mais à chaque fois un message me dit veuillez choisir un autre compte
I can’t watch any channel. The iptv service tell me is due tivimate
I have down loaded the Tivimate app this morning and paid for 6months plus the once off fee for premium but I can't watch movies or series only the TV channels work. Can you please help me
I’ve tried to pay for a year of service but for some reason it won’t take the payment. I made an account with the above email address already if you see it will you please tell me I need to do to get it working. Thanks
Bonjour, Je viens de terminer la période d'essai de TIVIMATE qui fonctionnait très bien et maintenant que j'ai payé PREMIUM IPTV je ne reçois plus aucunes chaines et j'ai un code erreur 511. J'utilise IPTV via la clé Amazon 4K et je le répète que cela marchait très bien pendant la période d'essai ! Pouvez-vous m'aider svp ? Bien à vous, Joël Fant Hello, I have just finished the trial period of TIVIMATE which worked very well and now that I have paid PREMIUM IPTV I no longer receive any channels and I have an error code 511. I am using IPTV via the Amazon 4K key and I repeat that it worked very well during the trial period! Can you help me please ? Good for you, Joel Fant
I can't log in to activate 2nd device on premium, cannot log in please try again later is the message I get
Why isn't the guide correct or even up to date? I am getting the guide from March 11th. Is there a way I can update the guide myself or does it have to be done on your end? I've already updated the EPG and that didn't do anything. Please advise. Thank you.
I have a trail with Appollo IpTV being used on the firestick, I cannot download the information on the EPG, I have tried multiple fixes as shown online. If this is not possible to use on TIVIMate please arrange a refund. Thank you
Hey I have the tivimate premium version installed on my android tv box and when i go to select witch folder to save my recordings i don't see the option for the system picker witch i really like to use
I have a Xiaomi poco X3 NFC, I have just updated my phone to miui 13.0.2 and after this update I can't open the tivimate application where I was watching TV. I currently have version 3.9.0. After entering the application in the Google store it says that this application is no longer compatible with your device, please contact the developer. I have a subscription and everything has worked fine so far. Do you have any idea.
Tivimate app don't want open on my phone I have a Xiaomi poco X3 NFC, I have just updated my phone to miui 13.0.2 and after this update I cannot open the tivimate application where I was watching TV and before that everything was fine, unfortunately I did not make a backup before that. I currently have version 3.9.0. After entering the application in the Google store it says that this application is no longer compatible with your device, please contact the developer. I have a subscription and everything has worked fine so far. Do you have any idea. Maybe there is a newer application that will be compatible with my phone? Or something else?