Join thousands of users who use AppContacter AI daily to troubleshoot problems, contact support, cancel subscriptions, delete data, etc.
From faster outreach to super fast responses, here are the benefits:
Our tech specialist AI has been trained extensively on over 100k software support materials. Capable of resolving up-to 90% of software issues users have.
AppContacter makes it easy to send support requests and complaints to over 100k software makers, right from our website.
Our AI helps you cancel subscriptions and memberships easily and for difficult tasks, we send your requests directly to the software developer for swift action.
Deleting accounts can be tricky. We help you send data deletion requests under the CCPA and GDPR companies hoarding your data. Saving you time and headaches. All for free!
Easily view support requests you've sent using our user-friendly dashboard.
Your feedback provides developers with real-time data to help them improve their applications.