1. Lade dir für noch mehr Spaß beim Banking unsere App mit blauem Icon herunter.
2. Verwalte mobil deine Konten, Kreditkarten, Depots und Finanzierungen.
3. Kennst du schon unsere neue DKB-App?
4. Entdecke den vollen Service der Direktbank mit den meisten kostenlosen Girokonten in Deutschland auf deinem Android-Gerät.
1. DKB knows how to do banking and has no clue in user interfaces.First off, the app does what it's supposed to do.. That's about it.. It doesn't look good, its not user friendly, there are to many options hidden away in to manny sub-menus... Also, when the fingerprint-login fails, there is no button to retry fingerprint login.
2. Instead, it opens the app on the starting page, then I have to go to "my banking", login with fingerprint, select transactions for my card ("Umsätze"), from a drop-down list select "Vorgemerkt", and then finally I can see the transaction from the notification! - Verified by Visa was really, really counter-intuitive to set up.
3. When I first made an online payment, I was redirected to a page which tells I have to login to my internet bank and go to some sub-submenu to enable some option (which I did).
4. Actually, it's just the DKB website plus some features like credit card notifications or fingerprint login.
5. It seems to me that this app (and the whole DKB online banking system) was designed by underpaid amateurs whose main task was to create a visibility of security by constantly logging you out.
6. (3) they ask you to "help save plastic" by canceling your EC card, they say you won't need it... which is a bold lie because know many places in Germany still only accept EC cards!!AVOID: WASTE OF TIME & MONEY.
7. Unfortunately I'll now have to repeat the entire "second factor" setup, because my phone was the second factor device...App starts and after logging in it tells me my browser is checked for security.
8. Would be nice if they created an actual app for banking, where opening documents, transferring payments, logging in etc was easier than on a browser.
9. After the check, you are taken back to the login form... Now you can login again, the browser is checked for security again and it takes you back to the login again.
10. (2) DKB is canceled our credit cards and forced a visa debit card as replacement.
11. Edit: As requested clearing the Cache didn't work, clearing all data has now allowed me up to the login screen.