Published by EclixTech on Jul 20, 2024

Report an issue with Adding Machine With Tape Calc.
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Why should I report an Issue with Adding Machine With Tape Calc?

  1. AppContacter will directly Email your issue/feedback to an apps's customer service once you report an issue and with lots of issues reported, companies will definitely listen to you.
  2. Pulling issues faced by users like you is a good way to draw attention of EclixTech to your problem using the strength of crowds.
  3. Importantly, customers can learn from other customers in case the issue is a common problem that has been solved before.
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Adding Machine With Tape Calc Customer Insights

1. Perhaps if there were some instructions...? ☆ Worth mentioning- the dev's website is home to every calculator u never knew you needed (+ several u won't ever need) ... but no manuals or instructions of any cannot add into separate sections for example if I have three sections like section 1 section 2 section 3 section 1 has 5 editions and section 2 has set 3 editions if I want to add 6th edition intersection 1 this cannot identified just singly goes to the end of the file and then starts adding and even at the end of the file when I do a one plus one gave me a result of 0.

2. In every aspect calculator is perfect which i need.Very excellent I used it to find out the production costs and the percentage of profit for the items I produce and keep records and method of calculating profits with details for reference when needed.

3. If no help is available today I will have to handwrite and tally everything by hand to turn in w\professional documents.I have tried multiple list/tape calculator apps, hoping to find one that is as functional & useful as CalcTape but with a more modern interface.

4. It seems promising to be useful for everyday function especially in expenses and income notes.NOT an adding machine!!!! Just a regular calculator with a tape.

5. Does not function as an adding machine at all!! Don't call it an adding machine if it's not.OverAll app is fantastic.

6. Everytime I thought I was saving, a new note popped up and all the previous work just disappeared.

7. Cannot do long list of add and multiplication, it will not follow the normal mathematical order of calculation.

8. so this is not write the application itself is not functioning correctly at the basic level this has to be corrected.Lots of error if try to edit the calculation.

9. It does add a column, but don't seem to be able to subdivide as in separating charges by month, using dates, etc.

10. Only good for simple add and subtract.One of the best App for adding long bills.

11. This is a perfect job done.Finally found best calculator on store.

Steps to Troubleshoot & Fix Adding Machine With Tape Calc Issues

1. Fix Adding Machine With Tape Calc Not Working/Crashes/Errors/Unresponsive & Black/White screen:

  1. Restart Adding Machine With Tape Calc: Restarting the app will resolve most errors.
  2. Update the Adding Machine With Tape Calc App. Here is how:
    1. On Android goto PlayStore » Search for "Adding Machine With Tape Calc" » Open Adding Machine With Tape Calc » click "Update".
    2. On iPhone, goto AppStore » Your profile » Available Updates » Check for Adding Machine With Tape Calc » click "UPDATE".
  3. Clear Adding Machine With Tape Calc app cache: Clearing cached data will force your app to retrieve the latest data directly from Adding Machine With Tape Calc servers.
    1. On Android, goto Settings » Apps » Select "Adding Machine With Tape Calc" » click Storage » click "Clear Cache".
  4. Check Adding Machine With Tape Calc app permissions. If any of these permissions required to use your device's features are disenabled, Adding Machine With Tape Calc might not work.
  5. Uninstall and reinstall Adding Machine With Tape Calc. If nothing else has worked, completely uninstall Adding Machine With Tape Calc then reinstall.
  6. Restart your device. Last, restarting your device can often clear most problems causing Adding Machine With Tape Calc not working

2. Fix Adding Machine With Tape Calc Server issues & Internet Connection

  1. Check network connection: An unstable Internet will make Adding Machine With Tape Calc be unable to connect to it's servers. Ensure your wi-fi is working then restart app.
  2. Disable VPN: VPN can cause connection errors and lead to Adding Machine With Tape Calc not working. Make sure all VPNs are off
  3. Enable background data: When Background data is turned off, Adding Machine With Tape Calc may not be able to connect to the Internet when running in the background.

Reported Issues