1. Чрез приложението може да се провери валидността на COVID цифров сертификат. Официално приложение на Република България, разработено от Министерство на здравеопазването, за проверка на цифровия COVID сертификат на ЕС. • сертификат за отрицателен резултат от NAAT или RAT изследване. • наличие на антитела, доказано чрез лабораторен тест. Удостоверенията са валидни на територията на Република България.
2. COVID CHECK BG извършва проверка чрез сканиране на QR кода от сертификата или удостоверението. Резултатът от проверката е визуализация на валидността на сертификата или удостоверението. Приложението не съхранява COVID цифров сертификат. Приложението не съхранява удостоверение за преболедуване или наличие на антитела.
1. Could use a lot of work, because right now it's as good as uselessIts only purpose is to scan the QR code and cannot do it, scan always fails, tried a few different certicates, a few times each with always the same error, pretty pretty poor app ...Hell, After installing the application the QR scanner doesn't work and cannot scan the qr code.
2. The application is crashing and even when you click on the button update(Обнови) it's not updating the certificate list and etc...The camera ratio in the app is awful... cannot detect the certificate and I think that its not compatible with galaxy s8 plus... Nothing unexpected from the Bulgarian government..The app is having one feature, which simply doesn't work, gives an error.
3. I hope the authorities in Bulgaria could recognise CovPass or Corona-Warn which are used in West EuropeThe aspect ratio seems wrong, when scanning the QR code.
4. I use top tier phone Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra, the pnone is based on android 11, i applied the latest updates to my phone and camera app.
5. Totally useless system.Stopped reading the QR code after 1.0.4. App camera severely worse than stock.
6. It said "error unsuccessful scan" this app is useless.
7. Every little shake out of perfect position results in failed scan and errorneous results.
8. Never worked, had to download a pdf of my documents on my phone using the actual site, not the app.
9. Only actual fix seems to be the viewfinder stretching issue that was in the app for months.Extremely bad scanner.
10. Now suddenly it started working, regardless of the stretched image and orientation of the QR code.
11. Not sure what was causing the issue in the first place and if it will appear again, but currently it is working just fine for me.The app is very unreliabIe.