1. It delves deeper into every possible thing related to finance and gives you a general outlook of things in finance, whether it may be personal finance topics like budget making or complex things like corporate finances.
2. First of all, the UI is so pleasing to the eyes that you'll never get bored of it and second, they have an academy section which I personally like, consisting of small chapters to teach us about finance and investing.
3. I'm learning computer programming in hopes of a better life and better money management skills.I was working middle class with equines before my illness... I now have to apply extreme budgeting due to the ever increasing costs just to live.This app is amazing and informative and most helpful.
4. "This is wrong because of this, this and this" or "this is right because of this this and this".Learning and interaction with the investing tools on this app is so brilliant! There a lot of financial courses thatt I have taken in the past but this easily takes the cake as being the best!! :)Great app to level up on you financial knowledge.
5. This app has been very informative about topics relating to finance, investing, and economics.
6. From personal finance to investing, this app touches upon various finance themes which are important in our daily lives.
7. I would like to rate it a 5 but due to those issues it isn't so great.One of the best app to learn about finance.
8. I would highly recommend this application to anyone wanting to land about finance and finance industry.
9. I have also noticed quite a few grammatical errors throughout reading some of these chapters, but that is the lesser of these two.So far it's been a great informative app.
10. It makes mundane topics seem more interesting by breaking them into short, easy-to-digest sections and providing examples.
11. It is also similar to Duolingo, you can learn bite size information on a daily basis.This is a great app to use.