1. IP Remote for BRAVIA Professional Displays is a simple remote control app for BRAVIA Professional Displays.
2. BRAVIA Professional Displays can be controlled by this remote app.
3. User can operate multiple BRAVIA Professional Displays at the same time.
4. Power On/Off, Input select, Muting, Vol+/- keys are supported.
5. It is recommended to use "Pre-Shared Key", to avoid unnecessary access from other app.
6. For details, please ask to your sales representative.
1. Now the IP remote software sits useless on my phone until this issue is fixed.It's almost there, I enabled PresharedKey on tv and enter ip address and psk in app and it starts working, but once i toggle tv to standby the "ON" button is not working at all, also I have to mention that the "remote start" feature in network option is enable.Functional but limited.
2. There's nothing more.On some Android devices the app wroks perfectly while on others it displays a blank white screen on the first startup instead of the stnadard license agreement welcome screen which makes the app usability limited.BRAVIA 4K VH2 [Remote start - ON (Powered on by apps)], [Control remotely - ON], IP control [Normal and Pre·Shared Key - set], [Simple IP control - ON].
3. I don't know of any other app that accommodates an external IP with a port number.Before some kind of update was made to this software which asked for EULA again, post which it stopped working.
4. Checked to see if my Router changed the IP address of the TV as DHCP was enabled.
5. Remote is showing my TV's MAC address on which Wake on LAN is enabled as well.
6. I also use my static external IP and port forwarding to the TV's IP so that I can control my TV over WAN (for home security reasons).
7. Side note: I should say thanks to the people who left a very easy to follow walkthrough of the apps configuration (key maps and all).
8. Other control buttons working.
9. (FW-32BZ30J) BRAVIA 4K Ultra HD HDR Professional DisplayI paid so much for this TV only to find it a poor choice.
10. I have used MAC binding in my router so that my TV's IP address doesn't change.
11. And also to person that dropped the static IP hint for connectivity over WAN, thank you as well.Strength in simplicity.