1. You can see its description, and quickly access the diseases linked to them and that are already registered in the application. - MEDICAL DICTIONARY - A dictionary of medical terms, containing more than 700 words relating to health and often unknown to the general population is available.
2. You can also view tips on how to keep the booklet of vaccination days. - CONSULT DISEASES - A list containing the main diseases incidents in Brazil, drawn from sources from the Ministry of Health.
3. Free and with a nice and intuitive interface, all queries are performed offline, you do not need any internet connection. - HEALTH TIPS - Provides tips on how to maintain a healthy diet, informing the benefits of various foods and sources of vitamins and minerals.
4. You can query modes of transmission, treatment and prevention, among others. - CONSULT DRUG AND ACTIVE INGREDIENTS - A list containing a portion of drugs and active principles is presented with options to view the labels briefly and with a language oriented professionals or not.
5. The content has been compiled from reliable sources as the PR Vade-Mecum 2010-2011 and DSP - Dictionary Specialty Pharmaceutical 2011. - MEDICAL SPECIALTIES - All medical specialties recognized by FCM - Federal Council of Medicine are covered.
6. Cruzi - Health Guide is a genuinely Brazilian application that aims to facilitate access to health information.
7. The information available has been taken from the book The Fruits in Domestic Medicine.
8. For now, the list includes only a portion of the generic drugs approved by ANVISA.
9. Note: Only a doctor can diagnose disease, prescribe medications and treatments indicate.
11. Translation from Spanish and English in the development phase.
1. Já instalei e desinstalei um monte de vezesOtimo para estudantes, apesar de necessitar uma atualização que traga mais doenças e remedios.
2. Achei tudo o que estava procurando em um so.Antes eu usava, agora já não abre.
3. Era muito bom, mas agora não tá mais pegando.Aplicativo completo.