1. China is waiting for you! ➢ The best places in China recommended by real travelers like you, with tips on what to see, where to eat and where to stay. ➢ In 'What to See', you'll find a selection of must-see sights that you can't miss in China. ➢ In 'Activities', you'll find the best tours and excursions in China. ➢ In 'Where to Eat! , discover the most highly-recommended restaurants in China. ➢ In 'Where to Sleep', you'll find a selection of the best hotels in China for all budgets and all types of traveler. ➢ Download your lists to view their recommendations and photos 100% offline.
2. Discover everything that China has to offer with this free guide in English with maps and offline lists.
3. The best restaurants, hotels, activities and monuments in China. China has much to offer.
4. Save on roaming charges and download your guide to China before leaving the house.
5. That's why you have this guide toChina, created using photos and recommendations from real travelers.
6. Traveling to China?
7. Visiting its monuments, wandering its streets, meeting the people and learning their customs is a must.
8. And remember that you can save your lists offline.
1. Good app for China specially non Chinese speakersTotally Irrelevant Searches, Useless, UnInstalledIt's doesn't have western China.