1. This application allows you to test if you have impotence, determine its degree, and understand the different ways for treatment of weak erection including medications for erectile dysfunction such as Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, and highly successful surgical methods such as penile prosthesis implantation / penile implants.
2. Professor Osama Shaeer is professor of Andrology at Cairo University and the European Academy of Andrology, with several innovations in the fields of treatment of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and male infertility.
3. Men's Health provides you with accurate scientific information on erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and male infertility, and ways to test yourself whether or not you have impotence / erectile dysfunction, and possible treatments.
4. It also informs you of the criteria for determining whether or not you have premature ejaculation and how to treat it, in addition to full details on male infertility, semen analysis, causes of weak fertility as varicocele and otherwise, and how to treat them including assisted reproduction, IVF and ICSI. اختبر نفسك، و احصل علي معلومات شاملة عن الضعف الجنسي و العقم و سرعة القذف و كافة مناحي طب و جراحة الذكورة. يُعَد الأستاذ الدكتور أسامه شعير أحد المختصين الذين قدموا ابتكارات علمية و جراحية ساهمت إسهاماً كبيراُ في تطور طب الذكورة. هذه الإسهامات معترف بها دولياً و مطبقة علي نطاق واسع في دول العالم.
1. My friend Rahul Ghosh has acute erectile dysfunctional problem even after repeated therapy and long term treatment is not helping him to make any encouraging improvements.... Plz reply urgently ..Very helpful informationVery good informationAn awesome impact on my healthWorth it.
2. about the Male reproductive system, God bless you Doc.