1. Delivering packages for local businesses and make money, Apply today with DoorStep Driver app.
2. Welcome to the DoorStep app for driver!
3. We offer the same-day or the next-day delivery service helping local businesses deliver retail items to their customers.
1. I tried forever to get this app to download and when it finally downloaded and I entered my phone number, it will not send me a verification code through my phone number!!! What a waste of time I'm so irritatedI'm trying to apply but when I put in my number, it doesn't send the verification code.
2. I've tried 3 times and still haven't received one.This appt and food service is no longer open i use to drive for them they actually merge into bite squad in Tampa FLNo code received.
3. Are you compatible with Door dashAmazing I love to eat is because thanks to doordash i can order anything i want witthout living my houseIt will not send me the code.
4. Just tried twice and it will not send me a code.Ae not ot a code andso I can't finish.
5. thankThey never send any code and they will as you to enter the code that sent to youThis is a pos.
6. Do this service is available in USA and territories?nice app to manage delivery.