1. Even getting a new credit card number won't stop the charge as they are linked directly to your credit account.Very frustrated! At the beginning I loved it.
2. And most recently I received an email stating that my credit card on file is about to expire, yet there is no way either online or through the app to access your credit card information.
3. Inigo has no contact information, email, address, or phone number that is valid/monitored.
4. None of the support pages function, no way to contact the company, can't even contact to cancel my trial account which i just got envoiced for.
5. Definitely worth downloading to use thr free version, and I'm considering upgrading to the paid version.HORRIBLE! Absolutely NO customer service support.
6. I had to track him down to get a personal phone number to get in contact with him after leaving several emails.
7. I am now in the process of contacting the Attorney General's office to let them know about the agregious tactics.Was good several years ago but features faltered like background graphics for cards.
8. I will have to uninstall it and take the lost on my subscription, No way to get my money back.This app is pretty good, however lately it's been getting a bit buggy.
9. And if that's not bad enough, the support page now gives a 404 error and there is no way to contact support.
10. The frustrating part is there's no customer service, no number to call very frustrating.
11. I keep sending the card and I have lost a lot of contacts this wayGreat on website.