1. Easily compare the 14 Main Acupuncture Point Meridian Meridian with the skin, bones and organs. ‘The Meridian 2. 0 of The VerdeRoot’ is a product that accurately depicts the 12 Meridians Acupuncture Point, Governor Vessel (GV) Acupuncture Point and Conception Vessel(CV) Acupuncture Point on the skin, which is similar to reality.
2. As well, 12 Meridians Acupuncture Point, Governor Vessel (GV) Acupuncture Point and Conception Vessel(CV) Acupuncture Point are displayed together with accuracy, so you can easily compare like never before. In 'The Meridian 2. 0 of The VerdeRoot’, the skin, bones, and internal organs of the 3D human model look realistic.
3. ‘The Meridian 2. 0 of The VerdeRoot’ is created by integrating 12 Meridians Acupuncture Point, Governor Vessel (GV) Acupuncture Point and the Conception Vessel(CV) Acupuncture Point on a male and female 3D human body model.
4. The 12 Meridians Acupuncture Point, Governor Vessel (GV) Acupuncture Point and Conception Vessel(CV) Acupuncture Point are distinguished by rich colors they so very easy to see. ‘The Meridian 2. 0 of The VerdeRoot’ is easy to use.
5. We have improved the accuracy through the supervision of professors and Korean medical doctors from Korea Medical University. ‘The Meridian 2. 0 of The VerdeRoot’ is easy to use because it displays The 14 Main Acupuncture Point Meridian Meridian on a 3D human body model.
6. It cannot be compared with 2D or other products because the level of accurate representation far exceeds anything else on the market. ‘The Meridian 2. 0 of The VerdeRoot’ is based on the International Standard Acupuncture Points of WHO, which is an internationally accepted as a standard of Acupuncture Points, WHO’s International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in The Western Pacific Region, the acupuncture textbooks of the university of Asian Medicine, and the oldest Chinese traditional medicine book 'Huangdi Neijing - Lingshu’.
7. It`s an application that allows anyone interested in 14 Main Acupuncture Point Meridian Meridian to easily see more detailed information.
8. The 3D flow chart design makes it easy to see the effects of acupuncture.
9. The content of 'The Meridian 2. 0 of The VerdeRoot’ was created in Korean, Chinese and English together, which allows it to be used across the world!
10. The Acupuncture Points can be easily selected with the press of a button.
11. Its intuitive nature makes it easy to learn on the first use.
1. and i worked with this app and I understood it is so useful app and so user friendly app for any people work on acupuncture part.Only 3 meridians.. waste of time..This app,when installed two times, does not work.
2. It helps in finding out meridian and helps in treatment as I provide free acupuncture treatment to people.
3. 101 mb n only 3 meridians? Directly put the app with purchase price tag, rather than making it free to people, with hope for the best by looking at the description.
4. I was hoping for better here but its the worsthi as I know this App is the best App for any people want to know and understand acupuncture chines traditional medicine and heals.
5. before I used so many papers for find point of acupuncture and it is so hard work and some time it is so dangers.
6. Although I don't require a premium version as this free one does all the job for me but to support the developers soon will purchase a premium one.
7. I know we all love freebies but many people don't understand what efforts are put in to make an app and they demand everything for free.I would rate it 0 if available.
8. I wanted to try the lite version before purchasing the full version but it does not work.
9. There is another 3d acup app for free, with all meridians.
10. Waste of time of downloading, going through and uninstalling.
11. you can find all point of you need on any meridians.