1. Keep up with news on the financial sector and don’t miss the chance to buy and sell shares! ✔️ Buy and sell shares and securities in the main stock markets and national (IBEX 35) as well as international (DAX, CAC 40, FTSE 100, DOW JONES, NASDAQ 100, etc). indexes. ✔️ Manage your investment portfolio and your financial assets. ✔️ Follow changes in shares and stock quotes in the main financial markets (USA, Europe, Asia, etc. ). ✔️ Stay up to date with the latest news on economy, finance and stock market indexes.
2. Download OCEAN Broker, the new app launched by CaixaBank for free and manage your financial assets and shares and analyze your evolution and financial return.
3. If you are thinking of investing in any stock market, purchasing or selling shares, and keeping up with the latest news on Economy and Finance, OCEAN Broker is the app for you.
4. Get the new OCEAN Broker app launched by CaixaBank and manage your financial assets and investment portfolio.
5. The latest Economic and Financial news - use the links to purchase and sell shares and securities.
6. Achieve a through follow up of shares, securities and much more through the interactive graphs available in OCEAN Broker.
7. Keep a thorough review of the representative financial markets in the world with these interactive graphs and their advanced features.
8. Buy and sell shares in any financial market.
9. This is your main trading dashboard: here you will be able to work with and monitor quotes and securities indexes.
10. Analyze and consult quotes, shares and profitability, securities return and much more.
11. Manage your financial assets and get the maximum financial return.
1. if you want to invest anything lest than 2000 per trade dont bother !! Very disappointed and have lost money all down to the broker charges !!!Intuitive and simpleexcellent service for news and comments on the status of stocks and sharesNo issues very straightforwardNice program to buy and sellcan't installAccurateFalla continuamente, las comisiones carísimas.
2. Only downside is that if you signed up for a trader package, you have to contact your bank to cancel it as I couldn't find the option to do it within the app.Not working.
3. After logging in with details a white banner comes up showing a data security statement warning.
4. Will not dissapear despite touching every part of the screen and re-logging in multiple gimes.
5. ThksVery expensive broker charges .
6. Imposible hacer trading con esta aapp.
7. No issues whatsoever.
8. Everything works flawlessly.
9. Up to 36 euros to buy and the same to sell .
10. Easy to use.
11. Developers - Please have a look.