1. The issue with the Space tool is that my "vertical" movement of the phone with respect to my starting position on a wall seems to affect the end measurement.
2. Very useful and fast, I am tempted to buy the Moasure measuring hardware, although it isn't required, because the free app is so impressive the way it uses your phone's gyro and accelerometer to calculate spaces, distances, and other displacements.
3. I've never been more frustrated, irate, and disgusted at an app in my life!Very accurate and amazing math behind the scenes easily providing at least an eight or sixteenth of an inch, metric options seem to produce mm resolution with minimal effort.
4. The height and length measuring tools are good, but don't find the Space tool very consistent at all.
5. Buy a tape, square, and measuring wheel for much better, less frustrating results.All modes except space measurements work fine.
6. The movement is almost never "good enough" for accurate measurement in real world conditions.
7. The app detects imaginary motion which wastes time and multiple measurements of the same object produce unacceptably varied results.
8. If you wipe phone or cache, backup the 3 moasure data files randomly in root of /storage/emulated/0.
9. The ability to work and return to a project and continue with it at a later date, as well as the ability to work on multiple layerThe app is not a professional tool.
10. Each measurement must be done repeatedly to get close to accurate results.
11. Ridiculous! I went and got a tape measure, accomplished the task faster then the first forced tutorial.