1. Peak Flow allows you to record your daily peak flow readings and helps you to keep track of your Asthma. - Specify if a reading is taken pre or post medication. - View your most recent readings at a glance or scroll through your entire history. - Automatically calculate and plot your green, yellow and red zones along with your personal best. - Export your data to SD card or upload it to a storage service such as Google Drive. - Photos / Media / File - This permission is required to allow Peak Flow to export data to local storage.
1. I have one suggestion I was able to enter my best reading, but a simple calc of expected peak flow, based on height and age would provide a baseline for charts.This app has been really helpful as a log to keep an eye on my peak flow- especially with my bought of covid/covid exacerbated asthma.
2. Only improvement would be if I could fully edit my zones- I know my top and bottom end but there's only possibility to add my top end which doesn't quite modify the colour bands (which are super useful!) enough to be inline for me!very useful, only problem set points for yellow & red zones can't be altered, and are in the wrong place for me.
3. Also frustrating not to be able to see trends throughout the day which would be helpful in an exacerbation.Very useful, would be great if you could personalise it to your personal action plan.
4. I like the fact that the readings show up against 'low', 'normal', 'high' bands and being able to view them in graph format.
5. Response:- Overall very good app, I have tried altering personal best but still can't get zones to match my Asthma plan.
6. Also red dots should = pre-med,& blue dotpost-med, red = warning/low/absent in medicine.Excellent app, clear and simple to use, to the point, and actually useful.
7. I'd hoped this would substitute saving readings to xls files but I may as well use xl sheets & create a graph from that with results sync on onedrive as it's all MS.
8. One thing I can't find is how to sort the list of readings into time order.
9. App records readings both pre and post medication, organises them in both a chart and list format.
10. I wish everyone would do that! My only suggestions would be to have some fields you could populate, or simply add fields for say: medications, symptoms instead of having just a blank field for notes.
11. Fast reponse from developer.I like the simplicity of the app but wish it synced between my Samsung galaxy tablet & Samsung galaxy phone.