1. I've tried most all the other call recorder apps on the play store & non of them record both sides of conversation.
2. It records both sides of the conversation, which is something that most call recording apps seem unable to do right now for some reason.
3. I will have to search for an alternate call recording app.I've been using this for a few weeks now, and it's perfect for me.
4. So that's a huge plus! However, it does throw up a notification at the end of every call that says something like "No Phone Number." It seems to serve no purpose, and there's no way to turn it off.
5. Almost every time I am listening to a recording, I hit the rewind arrows and it mistakenly registers as hitting the beginning of the recording's status bar.
6. It sounds like a recording of a recording, but somehow it picks up both my voice and the caller's voice without much issue when I'm using my headset.
7. I'm tough to please, but very happy with this app!Android 9 "Pie" (ugh, what an awful name) took away various native methods and workarounds that previous version's call recorders could use.
8. This app records both sides, it's very clear, so clear you can hear everything going on in the back ground as well & you don't have to turn it on every time u want to use it records automaticly.
9. This is incredibly annoying, as the you loose your place in the recording, and the recording start playing from the very beginning.
10. Recently it stopped working and shuts off without warning and does not record my phone calls.
11. If I could get rid of that notification, I would give this 5 stars.this is the best app to use when you want to record a call.