Published by Dubai Smart Government on Oct 16, 2024

contact UAE PASS Chat with our AI-based UAE PASS Support
Hello! My name is John. I’m here to help you resolve any issues you may be experiencing. Can you please describe the problem you’re having with UAE PASS?

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Why chat with our AI UAE PASS Support?

  1. Our AI is availaibe 24/7, to help you solve any pressing challenges.
  2. You'll get immediate access to a support assistant specifically trained on support materials of UAE PASS.
  3. Skip support wait times and emailing back and forth. Get help immediately.

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What users are saying

1. App is installed, mobile and email both are verified, EID also uploaded but does not allow to set up PIN and it stops there.Not at all user friendly!!! Tried to register 8-10 times with facial recognition an error comes up!!! What's the use of having an app if someone has to visit kiosk or keep getting an error on app.

2. Wish i could give 0 ratingImagine, the government wants an app to make it easy for people to access government places and websites, but instead of hiring professional developers that take their time to make it a good app for its users and the government, they pay a random man with no experience on fivver for $5.

3. Scanning the Emirates ID is the trickiest part because you to make sure that the line are perfectly aligned on the app with ID or passport.In general I adore the idea of UAE pass, it's one key to very Gate here in UAE, however the experience of the facial recognition has bugs and issues and it won't let us log in.

4. Wanna verify, 30 min drive or a face verification (doesn't work) TLDR: πŸ‘ŽπŸ˜‘Emirates ID scan does not work.

5. And the worst bit of it is that the support team on the email will never give you feedback.Every time I try to set the PIN it gives a message that it does not recognize my device.

6. Being such a well known country for extravaganza after all cannot manage an app to work at it's full potential.For last two days trying to create a UAE Pass.

7. The worst thing about this app is that it doesn't work but you are forced to (try) to use it since now you can't access so many government services without it.

8. Thank uThe app is not scanning my pasport, when I scan it is going on a blank screen and then saying app is not responding.

9. So then you're stuck and can't do anythingThe experience is horrible, I have to wake up every day thinking how many times I am going to try to get a chance to register on this platform.

10. After capturing ID details , to enroll phone number and email is where it stops.

11. You have a new ID and you wanna renew the info on the app, good luck, cuz it will glitch out.

Steps to Troubleshoot & Fix UAE PASS Issues

1. Fix UAE PASS Not Working/Crashes/Errors/Unresponsive & Black/White screen:

  1. Restart UAE PASS: Restarting the app will resolve most errors.
  2. Update the UAE PASS App. Here is how:
    1. On Android goto PlayStore » Search for "UAE PASS" » Open UAE PASS » click "Update".
    2. On iPhone, goto AppStore » Your profile » Available Updates » Check for UAE PASS » click "UPDATE".
  3. Clear UAE PASS app cache: Clearing cached data will force your app to retrieve the latest data directly from UAE PASS servers.
    1. On Android, goto Settings » Apps » Select "UAE PASS" » click Storage » click "Clear Cache".
  4. Check UAE PASS app permissions. If any of these permissions required to use your device's features are disenabled, UAE PASS might not work.
  5. Uninstall and reinstall UAE PASS. If nothing else has worked, completely uninstall UAE PASS then reinstall.
  6. Restart your device. Last, restarting your device can often clear most problems causing UAE PASS not working

2. Fix UAE PASS Server issues & Internet Connection

  1. Check network connection: An unstable Internet will make UAE PASS be unable to connect to it's servers. Ensure your wi-fi is working then restart app.
  2. Disable VPN: VPN can cause connection errors and lead to UAE PASS not working. Make sure all VPNs are off
  3. Enable background data: When Background data is turned off, UAE PASS may not be able to connect to the Internet when running in the background.

Reported Issues

β€” 6 months ago by Andrew Duke

Good day. I am having problems trying to setup a UAE pass here in the UK. Everything goes fine until I receive my OTP which arrives by email and not by sms as expected. When I enter the OTP into the app, it tells me the OTP is incorrect and to try again or cancel. I try again and it still fails. Cancel, exit the app and upload all my information again, it still fails. Uninstall the and, reinstall and try again, fails. Can you help me with this? Thank you and best regards, Mr Andrew Duke

β€” 9 months ago by EVgeniya

Good morning. I can not get access to my uae pass account. I've been trying for several weeks. First, I didn't receive the OTP to my Phone number. Now I get a message to my Phone number, but I don't receive the OTP to the E-mail... Could you please assist me with that issue? Thank you

β€” 11 months ago by Jonathan Rayar

Hi. I'm Jonathan Savarimuthu Rayar. I am trying to scan my Emirates ID to create an account for UAE PASS app. The page just keeps loading when I try to scan my Emirates ID. I am currently in Malaysia. Kindly do assist me to troubleshoot this issue. Thank you.

β€” 11 months ago by Johnson

Kindly deactivate my uae pass as these were not registered by me .now I am not able to delete them from my side as I am unaware of these. Kindly deactivate all my account linked with my emirates id 784197747513089. My name is silvere Ephraim Johnson. If you want any further details kindly contact me on my phone no 0553807757.thank you

β€” 11 months ago by Charles Proxenos

I need assistance I can no longer access UAE pass as my telephone number has changed. I can not verify my login to login and update my number. Could you assist?

β€” 1 year ago by Zain Ali

I am experiencing an issue with my UAE Pass as it is not recognizing my face, thereby preventing me from logging into my UAE Pass Account. Please find below my details for your reference: Name: Qaiser Shafiq EID: 784-1985-9316205-4 I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter promptly. Thank you for your attention to this issue.

β€” 1 year ago by John Mirgiannis

My UAE Pass won’t let me log into UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs web site for document attestation. It come up with error locked by company, in red letters.

β€” 1 year ago by Ganaesan

I am trying to integrate UAE pass with Azure ADB2C for one of banking middle east client. Can you please provide the meta url of UAE pass log in. ( ex: URL of the OpenID Connect discovery metadata document. Must start with β€œhttps://” and end with β€œ/.well-known/openid-configuration”)

β€” 1 year ago by Richie Severino

Error logging in at UAE Pass. User profile does not exist with provided details. What should i do? I already restarted the app.

β€” 1 year ago by Lynne Robinson

I am trying to sign up for the UAE pass. The OTP is accepted from my phone but not from my email. The code comes through but gets rejected each time.

β€” 1 year ago by Sungsik Um

I had use by iPhone XR, I had fail after scan my E-id. Not active confirm banner. Just β€œconfirm β€œ has gray color. Not working. How can I get use pass. I’d try by passport, same problem.

β€” 1 year ago by Reamsha Iqbal

I have installed UAE Pass App in my mobile device, but it's not loading/ opening

β€” 1 year ago by Slavisa Veljkovic

Slavisa Veljkovic, ID Number: 784-1961-0494242-8 Can not Create New Account, massage: email s_veljkovic@hotmail already registered. Can not do Account Recovery, massage: User Profile does not exist with provided details (Ref:M50P6WnnZX)

β€” 1 year ago by Faizan

My UAE pass no verify

β€” 1 year ago by Sourav Sachin

The UAE Pass pop-up to authenticate other apps is not coming.

β€” 1 year ago by Muhammad Ibrahim

UAE pass account deleted

β€” 1 year ago by Faizan Ahmad

Sir i forgot my UAE Pass pin so i try to much to recover but not helpfull then i uninstall UAE Pass app and again install and then login id everything thing is ok but facial biometric verification is faild. So my account recovery is faild You tell me sir now what can i do Thanks

β€” 1 year ago by Farooq khan

Plees delete my account

β€” 1 year ago by Joseph Coutinho

I have a UAE Pass Account under my Resident ID 784-1947-27296827 that got deleted from my mobile phone. However, when I try to re-register my existing UAE Pass account, verification of my face through camera does not proceed ahead and the session is timed out. As the Manager of the Company, I have to use the UAE Pass for all Government related transactions. At present we cannot process any documents. Please assist urgently

β€” 1 year ago by Biji Viji

I started new account in UAE PASS for getting Good standing certificate from MOH UAE as I am out of UAE for two years. But, I couldn't not do facial verification. When I tried to get the facial verification, the system shows 'unable to process now and try later'. I would like to request your support to solve this issues.

β€” 1 year ago by Snyder mary isendi luvutse

Iam unable to open my uae pass even though l have a valid visit visa

β€” 1 year ago by [email protected]

i do not get the Allow access

β€” 1 year ago by Ajay Kumar raut

When i am try to login dubai court its showing (user not found) can you solve this problem please

β€” 1 year ago by Muhammad Abdul Jabbar

My Accont problem please contact me

β€” 1 year ago by Rakesh kumar saini

Uae pass not working

β€” 1 year ago by Mayssoun Nehme

I am unable to login online or on my phone. I've been trying for three days, and always have the same issue. I've never been able to login. I get the authentication prompt on my phone and enter my pin, but it just hangs at "Loading please wait". The website also just hangs at "Waiting for your confirmation". If I cancel it on the webpage, my phone just stays at "Loading please wait". I have tried rebooting the phone and computer, clearing the cache and data, reinstalling UAE pass, using a different phone (Huawei, Android, iPhone). I have the same issue every time.

β€” 1 year ago by Mousa Theyab

I'm trying to update the Unified Number for my account in UAE PASS, there is no option to do so! please help

β€” 1 year ago by Nishad Subair Nafeesa Beevi

I purchased a new phone and while I am trying to use UAE PASS, it shows the error 'Face Verification Failed'. Even it is not scanning my face. What can I do to rectify this

β€” 1 year ago by Arpan Das

Plz account deleted

β€” 1 year ago by Arjun

I got my Emirates ID a month ago and I've been trying to create a UAE Pass account daily ever since then. The phone number verification goes through fine, but my email doesn't. I tried gmails, outlooks, protons, EVERYTHING. It keeps telling me that the OTP is wrong.

β€” 1 year ago by Haroon Akram

When i scan my EID then this app can crash so what I can do it now

β€” 1 year ago by LOUISE ROBERTS

I can no reinstall the app on my phone I keep getting a message 'can't create verified identity (ref: M50YH907Bv) after entering new PIN

β€” 1 year ago by upul wariyapperuma

email verification otp invalid

β€” 2 years ago by Shahzad Ali

I have changed my phone

β€” 2 years ago by Ma Clavel Victorino

Initially I applies UAE PASS but was not able to finish it. Now, I'm trying to finish my UAE PASS application but it always shows something went wrong. Always stating retry later or contact support but to no avail. Please help. Thank you!

β€” 2 years ago by ANOWAR AZIM

Sir this time my residance is cancle then i will apply visit visa,visit visa is ok, to day i will make uae pass and insert old id number but my uae pass no upgrade in system, this time i will require uae pass for work agreement home,plz this uae pass cancle,i will make new uae pass for use unifid number visit visa

β€” 3 years ago by Omar aldoobi

Pls delete my uae pass pls remove it in my device i restart how many times its not remove .and how many times i try its not become ok..pls remove so ican make new account

β€” 3 years ago by Azam hussain

Email forgotten

β€” 3 years ago by Mamerto Antazo

I cannot login to uae pass after they verified my mobile and email by putting otp code then when choosing the 4 digit pin it shows in the screen cannot verified the identity. Whar should i do

β€” 3 years ago by jewel

uae pass account delete

β€” 3 years ago by Tesfu

I want remove this mobile because its not mine from now A new device HUAWEI JNY-LX1 was added to your identity account on 14/06/2021 18:01. You currently have 1 devices under your account.

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