1. Download the app today, select your plan, and log in using your existing account username and password.
1. Let the user decide.Although it provides some convenience to make contributions and see a current balance, but this app lacks basic functionality like seeing a transaction history.This app is a nuisance! No matter what I do during sign in a picture of a boy pops up in front of the field I am trying to enter information into and stays for 3 seconds.
2. It's ridiculous! Why should changing a password to this account be far more difficult than changing a password to my bank accounts?!It's a nice app however, the security policy prohibiting screen saves is a bit restrictive.
3. While it's not exactly the same category, this app is very bare bones compared to investment apps offered by Robin Hood, Fidelity, and other Investment firmsTheir customer service is fantastic.
4. Everything is set up for opening an account not using an existing account.Useless. Doesn't use Android password API so it is tedious to login.
5. It would be nice if there was more information on the funds (such as performance history), and line charts to show how savings have changed over time.
6. for an app that I only access every few months, I always have to look up the name online before I actually even find it on my own stinking phone, why didn't they name it's something more logical??Why in the world would you block screenshots.
7. I'm a divorced parent and sending screen shots of my 529 contribution to the courts, is a time saving feature that should not be restricted at the app level.
8. Horrible! Should have account information readily accessible like Vanguard and Fidelity.
9. The low quality control on this app makes me question if I chose the right 529.Great app, absolutely horrible name.
10. I work in cyber security and the nonsense reply about unacceptable risk is ridiculous.
11. I do have good service where I am, other apps working fine.