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What users are saying

1. I also do not like the fact of the premium version is so expensive and that when you choose a edit you want to do (I didn't realize it involved premium) and inserted your photos and what not, then when done processing, you can't watch it.Its a pretty cool app, easy to use.

2. And the price is kinda high, for a photo editor.Every single time after I choose my pictures, it turns to a white screen with a gray bar at the bottom and then crashes.

3. An editing app to me, is where you can choose each transition from photo to photo, choose the song, and edit the photos if needed.

4. Also annoying almost every time you enter the app with the message like start your 7 day free trial.Every time I went to make a video, I would select the needed amount of pictures.

5. And it also shoves premium into your face every 5 seconds asking you to buy it or start a 3-day trial, which is a VERY small amount of time for a trial on an editing app.

6. Another thing, and I understand this is for money and to make profit but, most of the good songs and on beat stuff cost money, or the premium thing.

7. This app lacks the qualifications to be called an "music video editor".Good app, although now you can't adjust the pictures anymore to your liking .Which I honestly prefer it to be put back in the app.

8. Although, while selecting photos, it doesnt show which photo will go with what transition, you either just go with it or keep a log of which will go with which.

9. You choose a template and choose photos, you really can't do much with this app.

10. My only gripe is when you pick the photos you want, I'm not finding the PHOTOS button, to pull from Google photos instead of my stock gallery.

11. Otherwise, pretty good quality, nice audio.This is a great so, my 12 year old daughter goes showed it to me.

Steps to Troubleshoot & Fix Issues

1. Fix Not Working/Crashes/Errors/Unresponsive & Black/White screen:

  1. Restart Restarting the app will resolve most errors.
  2. Update the App. Here is how:
    1. On Android goto PlayStore » Search for "" » Open - AI Effect Maker » click "Update".
    2. On iPhone, goto AppStore » Your profile » Available Updates » Check for » click "UPDATE".
  3. Clear - AI Effect Maker app cache: Clearing cached data will force your app to retrieve the latest data directly from servers.
    1. On Android, goto Settings » Apps » Select " - AI Effect Maker" » click Storage » click "Clear Cache".
  4. Check app permissions. If any of these permissions required to use your device's features are disenabled, might not work.
  5. Uninstall and reinstall If nothing else has worked, completely uninstall then reinstall.
  6. Restart your device. Last, restarting your device can often clear most problems causing not working

2. Fix Server issues & Internet Connection

  1. Check network connection: An unstable Internet will make be unable to connect to it's servers. Ensure your wi-fi is working then restart app.
  2. Disable VPN: VPN can cause connection errors and lead to not working. Make sure all VPNs are off
  3. Enable background data: When Background data is turned off, may not be able to connect to the Internet when running in the background.

Reported Issues

— 1 year ago by Elisha

Please, why is Vinkle not working again?

— 2 years ago by Melissa Ferguson

I brought the subscription yet every time I try to save without the watermark it’s taking me to the page to buy vip again.

— 2 years ago by Kaleb

I have canceled my subscription and deleted the app and it’s still on my card please take my subscription away it’s hindering my ability to download anything and do anything please do this

— 3 years ago by Sandy Smith

I have received a few messages saying that my subscription to Vinkle can not be renewed. I have NEVER had this app. I got a new card so my card number changed and that is how I found out about Vinkle at all. There were FOUR times on the message that I have been charged for this app but I DO NOT have it. I had to look it up because I didn't even know what it was. I have found charges on my card before from Google play that I have not done and Goggle has always refused to give me my money back. Since I didn't make the charges I didn't even know what they were for except that they were to something from Goggle play. Well now I know that Vinkle has been on there 4 times. I have NEVER used Vinkle, seen Vinkle, heard of Vinkle, or authorized anyone to use my card to pay for Vinkle. Could someone please get in touch with me and refund these charges?!?!?! Thank you!!

— 3 years ago by Jan Kho

I want to ask colleteral ID of this app.

— 3 years ago by Jan Kho

Unrecognized charges that my little sister 5 years old accidentally purchased and subscribe

— 3 years ago by Susie harrison

£63 was taken out of my bank cct to vinkle music without my knowledge or authorisation, l have had no message from vinkle to inform me they were taking payment and l have never used the app, l want an immediate refund into my PayPal acct.

— 3 years ago by Cooper

So I have an issue I accidentally subscribe to your VIP and I did not mean to cause I though I was getting the free trial but I spent 60 dollars on your VIP when I didnt want to subscribe is there any way I can get a refund back of my money

— 3 years ago by Dominique Villar

Hey guys, my brother accidentally purchased a subscription in vinkle, please refund this because this was just an accident and I don't use this app. He purchased it on April 7 2021 and it just notified me a while ago. Please accept my request for refund because I need the money.

— 3 years ago by Rose

Hi! I’m trying to save the “no watermark” version and the app keeps telling me there’s a problem. Please help I’m in such a rush. Sorry. Thanks!!!

— 3 years ago by Shanice Nicole Hubbard

$62.99 was took off my debit card an it was not authorized by me. I want my money back on my card, that is to much to be paying for a little app like this. I will take some kind of action against this app if I don't receive my $62.99 this is ridiculous

— 4 years ago by Rohit Sharma

I’ve cancelled the subscription and i want my refund. Otherwise I’ll complaint against you if I don’t get the refund because the money was detected without my acknowledgment.

— 4 years ago by Rohit Sharma

I’ve cancelled the subscription and i want my refund

— 4 years ago by Sally O'Sullivan

Refund request

— 4 years ago by Paige Yelton

I have been trying to find who was the maker of vinkle and was writing the wrong developer apparently so thats why im now sending you a message. $59.99 was taken from our account for this app and we have no idea who did it or what this app even is! I have the screen shot of the purchase and i went into my google subscriptions and canceled right away as soon as the payment was taken out and you can see we have not used that app at all and need it refunded asap! This was not authorized and needs fixed please. Email me so i can send the purchase receipt and you need to refund to that account asap! This happened Dec.11th 2020 and when i looked up this app to see what it was it said another developer so i was emailing them for weeks and finally got response saying they didn't own that app so now that i finally found how to contact you please get this process started it shorted us on needed money.

— 4 years ago by Kimberley Owen

You have debited 59.99 from the google play account linked to the above email. You have repeatedly attempted to take the funds when they were not available. I have reported this as fraud as I did not make purchase of this app. I request a refund of 59.99 asap as it was bot authorised by myself

— 4 years ago by Karena Williams

Hi my name is Karena I would like to cancel my subscription to be honest I do not like it my pictures were not full body images it was hard to use for intro on YouTube because I could set it to size mode it's supposed to be in.

— 4 years ago by Jennifer

Need for You to call asap..304 483 9197 thank you

— 4 years ago by Jennifer

Is 64.19 the price for a year

— 4 years ago by Eric Macho

Hi, i just found out my 10 year old daughter subscribed to an annual subscription of your service without my permission and I was hoping to get refunded. The billing transaction just happened today(12/2). I already canceled the subscription renewal, but i want to cancel the current service as well. The account is registered to her apple ID, which is charlottemacho10@redacted. I was billed $42.89 on my Mastercard, ending in 1831

— 4 years ago by Ozan Temur

Rechnungs-Nr.MNT4Q4XL33A0 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, mit einer Bestätigung vom 22.11.20 13:45 durch Appstore haben Sie Sie einen Betrag in Höhe von 64,99 Euro für die angebliche Inanspruchnahme einer Internet-Serviceleistung gegen meinen Sohn geltend. Ich weise darauf hin, dass mein Kind, welches bei Appstore ein Abo abgeschlossen haben soll , minderjährig ist. In einen entsprechenden Vertragsabschluss habe ich weder zuvor eingewilligt noch werde ich diesen nachträglich genehmigen. Da auch der so genannte Taschengeldparagraph (§ 110 BGB) hier keine Anwendung findet, ist der angebliche Vertragsschluss schlichtweg unwirksam.

— 4 years ago by Rob C Torrance

My daughter is 9 and downloaded your app on my phone. It recently charged me 70 dollars and i would like my money back!!!

— 4 years ago by Jericho Niño Gutierrez

HI i would like to request for a refund since I was incorrectly charge for the amount of 1000. Here is my account email jericgutierrez444@redacted. thank you.

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