1. Once you save your document you can reset to create another.app is good but please add options of cgst and sgst, and option to add all items simultaneously rather than adding it individually, otherwise no complains, thanksDon't bother to download thsi app, I just spent 30 mins creating a large PO and the PDF wouldn't even generate.
2. So disappointed, thanks for wasting my time!Easy to use it works, I'd just like to see a in app preview for further customization of the p/o but good app.Cannot export to PDF!Easy to use..and good for user mobile..Worst app not working properly.
3. Time wastethat was not working properlyEasy to use highly recommendedThis is a perfect app to order my stock.
4. A great app! I like that i have the option to share my PO directly with my suppliers and that I'm also able to save it as a Pdf.