Published by Poste Italiane S.p.A. on May 13, 2024

Report an issue with PosteID.
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Why should I report an Issue with PosteID?

  1. AppContacter will directly Email your issue/feedback to an apps's customer service once you report an issue and with lots of issues reported, companies will definitely listen to you.
  2. Pulling issues faced by users like you is a good way to draw attention of Poste Italiane S.p.A. to your problem using the strength of crowds.
  3. Importantly, customers can learn from other customers in case the issue is a common problem that has been solved before.
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About PosteID

1. In alternativa alla registrazione con documento elettronico, puoi utilizzare l’App PosteID per effettuare la tua identificazione online e poi completare la richiesta effettuando un bonifico da un conto italiano a te intestato o cointestato.

2. Se sei in possesso di un documento elettronico - Carta d’Identità (CIE) o Passaporto - puoi utilizzare l’App PosteID per effettuare la tua identificazione online, senza recarti in ufficio postale.

3. PosteID is the official Poste Italiane app for the new digital ID that lets you access online the services of the Public Administration and authorised Private Bodies with the Digital Identity Public System (SPID).

4. PosteID è l’App ufficiale di Poste Italiane per la nuova identità digitale che consente di accedere ai servizi della Pubblica Amministrazione e dei privati convenzionati con il Sistema Pubblico d’Identità Digitale (SPID).

5. Ti basta inquadrare il QR Code riportato sulla pagina di login del servizio ed inserire sull’App il codice PosteID.

6. As an alternative to registration with an electronic document, you can use the PosteID App for online identification and then you can complete the request with a bank transfer from a your italian account (also joint name account).

7. If you already have an electronic document - Identity Card (CIE) or Passport - you can use the PosteID App for online identification, without going to the post office.

8. Puoi autorizzare velocemente gli accessi con l’impronta digitale in alternativa al codice PosteID.

9. Just scan the QR Code on the service login page and enter the PosteID code in the app.

10. You can authorise access quickly via fingerprint as an alternative to the PosteID code.

11. Una volta che avrai generato il PIN, questo andrà inserito sulla pagina di login del servizio, dopo aver inserito il tuo nome utente e la password.

PosteID Customer Insights

1. It is really a struggle to take the picture of confirmation when the image is rotated 90 degrees and distorted to fit in the image.It doesn't work when creating SPID: 1) It takes the picture of the passport automatically, instead of letting you take the picture and THEN checking its quality, which is annoying, but you can make it work after few attempts 2) when reading the NFC, it gets stuck in a loop: even after having correctly read the passport chip, and you have confirmed the info (DoB, passport number and expiry date) it starts again in reading it, without going to the next step.

2. It doesn't seem well thought? I would assume very easy to include international numbers especially after Poste press release around Italians living abroad.The app works like something that came out of a gorilla's rear on a bad stomach day :)If you live abroad and need to register for SPID don't bother using this app, it won't work.

3. The picture for confirming the face with passport is all wrong , rotating the image , distorting the image.

4. Has the developer even tried the app before releasing it? Image recognition of the characters under the passport was hit and miss, took a LOT of attempts.

5. For reasons I cannot explain the app camera shows my face laying horizontally rather than vertically making it impossible also for me to record the voice message.

6. Another typical Italian fail.Where should I start? The NFC reading is just all wrong, have to read the passport like six times.

7. Waste of time, why have an option for Italian nationals resident abroad when it clearly doesn't work? Again, don't bother with this app.

8. I have managed to use it just fine right up to the point where I need to record a voice message and my face needs to be within a circle.

9. I tried multiple times on the app (seen as it's meant to be the free way of doing this) and when I contacted customer service via email about my declined registration they said I had to call them to chat about it.

10. not secure at all.The app was okay-ish but it doesn't work with international numbers (no OTP).

11. Seems to have worked in the end, but the preview of the images was so pixelated that I don't know if it is actually good enough or not.After entering all info, exactly as required, you just receive an email stating that they can not verify some information.

Steps to Troubleshoot & Fix PosteID Issues

1. Fix PosteID Not Working/Crashes/Errors/Unresponsive & Black/White screen:

  1. Restart PosteID: Restarting the app will resolve most errors.
  2. Update the PosteID App. Here is how:
    1. On Android goto PlayStore » Search for "PosteID" » Open PosteID » click "Update".
    2. On iPhone, goto AppStore » Your profile » Available Updates » Check for PosteID » click "UPDATE".
  3. Clear PosteID app cache: Clearing cached data will force your app to retrieve the latest data directly from PosteID servers.
    1. On Android, goto Settings » Apps » Select "PosteID" » click Storage » click "Clear Cache".
  4. Check PosteID app permissions. If any of these permissions required to use your device's features are disenabled, PosteID might not work.
  5. Uninstall and reinstall PosteID. If nothing else has worked, completely uninstall PosteID then reinstall.
  6. Restart your device. Last, restarting your device can often clear most problems causing PosteID not working

2. Fix PosteID Server issues & Internet Connection

  1. Check network connection: An unstable Internet will make PosteID be unable to connect to it's servers. Ensure your wi-fi is working then restart app.
  2. Disable VPN: VPN can cause connection errors and lead to PosteID not working. Make sure all VPNs are off
  3. Enable background data: When Background data is turned off, PosteID may not be able to connect to the Internet when running in the background.

Reported Issues