1. With the pop up ads you constantly need to exit/back from to return to play, just too frustrating for me.Hi. Despite this app having an overall 5 star rating, I found this app a load of rubbish as there are adverts preventing videos from loading and my screen keeps on saying theres no videos when I have at least one video file saved onto my phone, especially when I selected a movie from out of the file manager - I'm guessing that this was done to make the app unusable and unaccessable.
2. If you pause a video and minimize it to take a call, there is a bug that, when it calls an ad, will also continue playback while you are on the phone!Installed opened said no videos, then asked open from a file mananger.
3. Android needs to step its quality control up.THANK YOU!!! I couldn't view video lectures for an online class through Samsung internet.
4. My phone is an older version and that might have something to do with the slow running video but I have more exploring to do with it before praising or damning this ap.... so far it's not bad.Video stops abruptly.
5. After closing three adds before I could even get to open the video file I uninstalled this garbage.
6. These issues range from unsynced audio, to just not playing the video.
7. So picked a video and was confronted with an advert for Google wallet.
8. Haven't been able to play a full video yet.
9. Major bugs need to be worked out.Unusable. Adds just keep popping up.
10. Terrible, terrible app, do not download.Ads take over your phone, whether you have it open or not.
11. The controls are a bit too simple~Brightness & Volume only, with limited adjustment range, plus those icons disappear as your finger moves off them while adjusting.