1. Stock Screener search US stock market based on technical indicators which allows you to find trade setups to swing trade.
2. RSI Stock Screener - allows you to find oversold and overbought stocks and stocks with RSI increasing or decreasing.
3. Volume Stock Screener - allows you to search for stocks based on volume moment.
4. The Stock Screener Pro allows you to combine multiple technical indicators and scan the stock market.
5. Stochastic Stock Screener - Stochastic can be use as a leading indicator when you use it to find overbought and oversold stocks.
6. Price Stock Screener - allows you to search for stocks based on price.
7. Penny Stock Screener - allows you to search for small cap stocks as well as penny stocks listed on NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX.
8. MFI Stock Screener - is a technical indicator that uses stock price and volume to measure buying and selling pressure.
9. Our MACD stock screener allows you to scan for MACD crossover and MACD cross down patterns.
10. MACD Stock Screener - MACD is a popular technical indicator that are widely used by swing traders.
11. Below is a list of the most popular stock chart patterns and technical indicators that you can use with our stock screener app.
1. It would get 5 stars if the news feed still worked and also the ability to export for watchlist would be nice.Horrible app.! Don't waist your time or money.
2. It only gives you old information and doesn't give current trends in the stock market.love how easy it is to use.
3. Pro version is much faster to use.Very practical and reliable app...love it!I Like it however wish they would add trending up or trending down !!not real time.
4. weak screener.Not pratical or user friendlyAfter paying for the app the stock charts a not viewable anymore.
5. Would love one extra feature though with the adx indicator.
6. You must manually enter the ticker on another site if you want to see the chart.
7. My news feature however, does not work.
8. Looking forward to timely fix.User friendly app.
9. Great product.
10. But a very good product.I like this app the more I use it.
11. Many thanks to the development team.