1. Clear All entries using CLEAR button or just start new calculation (by start typing first new number after pressing = sign).
2. After a calculation is completed with 2 decimals, you could switch to 3 decimals using Settings (menu option) and it will show result in 3 decimals automatically on the main screen.
3. Review all calculation entries using View Tape History menu option.
4. Tape Calculator remembers last completed calculation so you can bring it back even if you powered off your cell phone.
5. Added ability to print current on screen calculation and to print Tape History (with all calculations).
6. You can now bring back any of last 55 calculations using View Tape History screen in the Menu.
7. If you accidentally cleared the (completed) calculation, you can bring it back using the Retrieve Last menu option.
8. Unlimited number of calculation entries (For example: Enter more than 8,999 rows).
9. Ability to add new entry (entries) even after calculation is completed (press + sign after = is pressed to continue adding).
10. Percent calculation makes it easy to add percentage to previous entered number.
11. You can use backspace anytime to correct a simple mistake, instead of starting over even after a calculation is completed.
1. Rotation to landscape keeps current calculations and restarting continues the last calculations.
2. With this you know you haven't forgot an entry.very very good.
3. The app was just updated with some good improvements.
4. Pretty easy to get the hang of.
5. Very usefulI like this app very much.