1. Better to provide a separate button or link for that - cannot simply set it to 15 minutes or 1 hour from now, have to use the Clock control - lots of work - with the prompt for the Date, it all feels like I have to tap twenty different things just to set a simple reminder.Wow! My search is over! I was looking for a small, no-nonsense speaking reminder app that would use my internal voices.
2. RE: Why have this setting then? It works when testing manually, so why can't it work always?Have been looking for a simple, straight to the point voice reminder app for ages.. I was going through all the assistants and was all a waste of time.
3. When I click to test the reminder it's spoken in Russian... But then when time comes, the actual reminder is spoken with English TTS which obviously sounds like a garbled mess of sounds.
4. Thank you, Developer(s) for a truly useful app!While my Galaxy S9 can provide notifications, sometimes a voice reminder is important and this app solves that need.
5. One caveat...the voice reminder will be delivered even if the phone is muted, so keep this in mind when in a "silence your phone" situation.
6. If I need this one to maintain the setting I'll put it to sleep and use the Favorites or uninstall voice reminder.
7. Most notes or reminder apps neglect the audio convenience in favour of only a posting, or having to open the app itself in order to locate the reminder; not nearly as efficient.
8. There is only 1 problem that i found intriguing, i changed my text-to-speech voice output to a different English accent but it doesn't work.
9. Who needs a screen freezing draw over just to HEAR a reminder?So it's core functionality is broken for me.
10. I really love the advance features of reminder repetition setting.
11. This interval option is hell! I set daily reminder of 24 hours in the early morning to wakeup.