1. Our award-winning journalism covers a wide variety of topics including breaking news and analysis, business, politics, travel, sport, opinion, health, art, lifestyle and much more.
2. Free to download, The National app provides you with quality journalism via two dedicated editions – UAE and International - giving you greater choice and accessibility in finding the news that matters most.
3. The National app brings you top stories and breaking news from the UAE, Middle East and around the world.
4. You can also easily share articles, photos and videos with your family and friends on your preferred social platform.
1. People don't like giving location detailsUseless not workingAfter the recent changes to the UI/UEX, the app started to drain data like crazy (2.33GB used and I'm not even listening to pod casts or watching videos) please fix thisYou can read only headline and the detailed news never gets opened .
2. Or he should use it himself daily to realize all the shortcomings of his work.Easy and rapid access to all types world affairs .Highly recommendedI really like this app but since you introduced the location required to read anything I now use the web version.
3. Overall nowhere near as good as a proper journalism source, but still better than all other Gulf-based news.Faulty app, slows down cellsWhen going back from an article, the app should not return to the top of the articles.
4. Don't know why it is sucking all the power of phone.Endless Repetition Of The Same Stories! At first it looks like there are many articles, however as you scroll down you find that there are actually only several but that they just keep repeating further down.
5. The quality of the writing is often poor as well: grammatical errors, bad or incorrect use of idioms (and this is when the article is supposedly credited to native English-speakers).
6. I tried several times tapping on the headlines to read the story but couldn't open it.
7. The app is not light and consuming more data and no output .Now again when I swipe back to where I left it takes me to the top of the page.
8. Also, no night mode Edit - I see you have replied saying issue is fixed, it's not.
9. Stay fixed till the place the user has scrolled.
10. Only sometimes it remembers scroll location.
11. Does not response to touch.