1. Get ready to unlock exclusive discounts, unbeatable deals, and irresistible promo codes with the Amazon Shopping Coupons app.
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4. Exclusive Amazon Coupons: Access a vast collection of coupons tailored for Amazon products across various categories.
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1. I don't mind ads in the app, but not pop up ones and especially not ads with sound!!! It's the worst thing this app could have done.I like what i see of the coupons BUT cannot look at them because of the 80% coupon ad keeps showing up!! Let me look, because i do rate companies and I'm a for real human being that is HONEST!! SO STOP UNTIL I ORDER SOMETHING!!! Thank you.
2. Art supplies came up, but it isn't worth it as the one I want to order, has a lot more items, only few cents more than the one for the coupon.This disturbing ad keeps coming up on my screen asking me to rate their app.
3. I downloaded this app despite the mix comment feelings about it, as I am a teacher, we all know teachers spend some of their own money to purchase school supplies, which in fact can cost a lot depending on the amount of items needed and the price of these items.
4. go to the add code or coupon box , right click mouse and PASTE- 5) HIT APPLY -MUST APPLY CODE-, you will see it added on the right at the price area 6) Buy.
5. I am rerating because for about a month now you get to first and second page of listing and no matter how many times you try and even reboot app it is frozen you can't click on anything or get to third page.Has worked for me with no issues for a year now even with the updates.
6. Please do these steps to get saving.VERY IMPORTANT.1) hit get code then find on Amazon 2) view if want, add to cart.
7. Egads... Update: After going back to this app from giving it a review, it still pops up the annoying screen asking me to write a review.
8. How could you? Really? It's being removed from this phone soon as I'm done writingGood price coupons most codes work.
9. And anyone that complains about the ads, there not that bad and the app is free.This app is completely trash 🗑 I thought there would be more deals but instead you get slammed with so many ads you can barely navigate through the app! Just someone trying to make a quick buck like always!Good App.
10. Well after trying to use this app with all their screen interuptions I decided to let everyone know you might need to have a little patients with it.
11. Must add code and apply to receive saving.