1. First it doesn't detect any previously cut photos, it brings up some random background - I've cut stuff out, now I want to paste it together.
2. However, since then I just cut three photos I wanted to paste onto a background but even after saving those cut versions they are not an option on the background screen.
3. Every time I jump from one step to another it resets the settings which is annoying and makes it more difficult.It cuts like the rest of them the part that's lacking is in the paste department.
4. Shapes would be great too!At times it works well but a majority of the time it is impossible to get pictures to line up correctly to do a good-looking cut and paste job.
5. I fixed this by looking up "white screen" in google, saving a picture, and choosing it as my background.
6. If the background is similar in color to the thing you want cropped it would crop that as well.
7. The only photo it will allow me to paste onto a background is the very first photo I ever cut.
8. This will save A LOT of time and finger cramps.Takes some practice to get what you want -- no real-time slider adjustments... you don't see the results until you lift your finger.
9. This is great because once I remove the background, everything turns black.
10. After you remove the background the it gives you the option to add a background image.
11. -- Also there are no eraser, rotation, opacity or hue adjustment tools while you're placing the cutout layer... so you can't see if your placement is what you want or where you want it.