1. Use our calculator and convert from dollar/Euro to peso (usd to mxn) or peso to dollar/Euro, we have the main banks in Mexico, such as: BBVA, Santander, Banamex, Banbajio, HSBC and more, where you can see how much the dollar or Euro is today in Mexico.
2. Get accurate and real-time information on the dollar/Euro exchange rate in Mexico with our "Dollar and Euro in Mexico" app.
3. With our intuitive and easy-to-use interface, you will be able to quickly find the price of dollar/Euro to peso in main banks and in the global market.
4. No more complications when making currency transactions in dollars/Euros, with our application you will be able to make informed decisions and ensure the best exchange rate.
5. In addition, you will also be able to know the value of the dollar/Euro in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) and BANXICO.
6. Download our application now and keep up to date with the fluctuations of the dollar and Euro in Mexico.
1. This is true for other apps as well, I think the data feed from BANXICO must be broken.Nice, I use it for ATM transactions, but for example Santander's does not pay what is on your app, I don't think that's rightDoesn't actually show locations for banks.Easy to use, seem fairly reliable, Great app!Works good enough, we like the credit card option.Keep it simple very usefulExcelent app, it gives you the exchange rate for a lot of the banks in Mexico 👍Up to the minute rates.
2. A couple of times I've tried to go to the bank to exchange dollars based on the app's information and it's never right! For example, Banca Mifel is always buying like 2 pesos lower than what the app says.Most complete listing of banks in Mexico.
3. It doesn't interfere with other open apps, most importantly the 'Dollar in Mexico' isn't intrusive.For a couple weeks the BANXICO rate hasn't been updating, it's stuck on 20.61 when the real rate is under 20.
4. I use Dollar in Mexico at least 3 to 4 times daily.
5. Unreliable, wrong information.
6. Opens with lightning speed.
7. Uses little space.