1. Also it doesn't show the "Google services framework" id ..thankVery nice tool it shows you what you need and more.. specially on battery side when i check even if my phone is on standby mode my battery continuous to discharge.trying this between ios, android, windows and linux, the purpose is to share everything between devices.
2. most negative reviews are for issues already fixed, so as cell updates happen programs like this need time to respond.
3. Since i use some apps to change my location,i need a app to show my phone location.
4. This app is handy if you want to compare devices, it contains everything about the device, from CPU to serial number.
5. Nice app!great collection of free info, especially if your messing with your cell like root.
6. Overall a good stats tool for information.
7. I'm using S8+ with latest sw.Good app.but it has 2 negative points.
8. it hasn't the option to show "location".
9. DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.Complete information.
10. i payed for this app because you can use this on all your devices.
11. I have it on my phone and tablet.