1. Mainly I was just talking to myself but it helped.Love the user interface app looks good lots of good information!It doesn't have many features, but the suicide risk assessment test is useful.Dont do it.
2. I downloaded it to check it and it was goodI lost my dog Angel in June and without her I felt pretty much alone and missed her and still miss her so much.
3. I'm in the Great Lakes region.Good idea to focus on that ! It may help people.
4. I felt as if I lost purpose and thought seriously about taking my life.
5. The cookies thing says they will collect ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION.
6. Couldn't get local help listings.
7. I used this app along with many others to just talk about how I felt.
8. I used my 4G location, and it would not update from Southern CA.
9. I suicidal.. not stupid.
10. Update.