1. For e.g I might charge R25.00 per SQM and the whole painted is 80 SQM then the app will multiply total painted are by R25 per SQM which would be R2000.PaintCALC is extremely useful, practical and easy to use.Made my phone crash, confusing! An absolute mess.
2. Looks like it could be a good app but i dont have time to mess with the annoying ads every 2 seconds.The app is very advanced the only thing that could've been added is other charging method.
3. Charging per squre metre and other measuring units.
4. Not everyone charges price by painted are per day.
5. Just trying to figure out the layout of this app and 15 ads popping up.
6. So that it can accomodate everyone who is interested from a different region.
7. It would be better if another method is availabe which would be: 1.
8. What shame.I came in to use the rest rooms.