1. Every time I open the calendar to look at a different day other than the current day, my app freezes.Since last update.
2. Clock in process: navigate to site, log in, find clock in link, click simple authentication, log in again, and finally clock in.
3. Have never once been able to log in on it.Constantly freezes up, not useful at allI don't like that you cannot look at or sign your time card from the app.
4. Also I have to set the dark theme every time I open the app, it doesn't persist.
5. checkout you can't leave something at 0, even though it is not applicable to your vehicle! So you can't complete a check sheet! many negatives in this.Can't log in.
6. Unable to click on to Calendar /schedule have to go to drop down to look at it.
7. I also would like to see folders like a Gmail so I can sort and store emails.It's an okay job messaging app.
8. Vairkko is already a raging dumpster fire to have to deal with through their web interface, but this app is literally useless.
9. I always get "invalid credentials" even while trying to log in with credentials I am CURRENTLY LOGGED IN WITH on the website.
10. The app is 1000x better than having to look on the website to get my schedule and information that way.
11. I don't know why we can't check multiple emails and delete them.