1. Every single time you get a notification, and you click on it, you have to type in your PIN number and go through the app all over just to accept the assignment... the only time you can probably snag an assignment is if you already have the app open simultaneously while getting a text for a assignment.
2. why do I have to click through and agree to user agreement every time I open the app that should be one-and-done.I'm having issues with this app and it is getting worse.
3. 12-17 now it keeps asking if "I agree to terms"... ?? Still getting notifications with no assignments or ones 30/40 miles away...App doesn't work half the time.
4. I had the phone in my hand with the app open ready to accept while a notification came through.
5. When I finally get an alert, the information is gone or disappears immediately.When the ding comes through, I first hear it in my iPad, in my bag... then about 1 min later, I'll hear it on my phone.
6. Load/unload and repeate... DO NOT complain... I did and orders went to zero.. SENT ME 51 notifications last month, 9 showed up in app.. 6 were 35-40 miles away... yeah awesome.
7. Missed another one.Something must have changed recently because I'm getting the notifications, but when I immediately click on them (and have to go all the way through the eula and pin every time) there's nothing there.
8. I do wish the notification sound was a longer and louder chime, it's real easy to miss the chime.
9. In tablet, only notifications come up with no sound (phone does nothing.) Then when phone screen is turned on, all notifications pop up at once.
10. I heard the chime, my page did not reflect that a notification came through and the was not an option to accept.
11. Edit2 - the app code needs to be fixed to allow for activity while timed out, or to not allow time out.