1. I have been using this app before, main function is great - topo maps! But navigation in your app is horrible, the dashboard panel is hard to understand.. now app is not working for me, i assume i need to pay licence, i cannot even find where to buy it!! I advise you too make it more user friendly and intituitive.. I rather use web version than appYes, the ergonomics could be improved but functionality is BEST in CLASS, and the best I know for going hiking.
2. I use the paid version (yearly fee 14Eur), so I can download the maps before departure : great ! One request still : the app does not quit on my Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 : I need to force-quit, via parameter/apps/etc... to stop the GPS consumption Then may be 5 star !downloaded the free version which was working fine.
3. is this normal? is there some kind of limit on the free version of the app?really great mapping for walking etc in France, plus open cycle map useful for including most (not absolutely all) footpaths in Englsnd.
4. Fantastic!Great mapping app for easy access to topographical and other maps in France.
5. So reliable I go for 7 days trek offline (mountains) without any paper map.
6. But now after a few days of use, when I try to zoom in to 1:50,000 all I get is red circles with a white centre.
7. (thank you solar panel).
8. All very clear and easy to use.
Bonjour, j'ai payé mon abonnement en juillet pour le renouvellement mais depuis je peux plus lire les cartes ( ça devient pénible) merci de trouver une solution. Merci
Bonjour, j'ai payé mon abonnement en juillet pour le renouvellement mais depuis je peux plus lire les cartes ( ça devient pénible) merci de trouver une solution. Merci
Mon abonnement s’est renouvelé automatiquement, mais je ne peux utiliser l’application. Il m’est dit que je dois renouveler abonnement.
J’ai beau chercher dans les paramètres rien n’y fait.
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