1. However, compared to other solutions which also use the model of wireless adapter and mobile app, Carly's connection between car and adapter is fragile and finicky.
2. All that said, it's a cost effective way to get clues as to the source of the problem, much more convenient than a laptop/cable, and I get the impression they're growing, so one can hope they'll eventually actually improve the product vs just trying to grab market by adding compatibility with other brands?Update: Still a worthless ap.
3. Had more features and insight running my other adapter and Bimmer apps or Torque Pro or Car Scanner Pro.
4. Don't waste your money/ I bought the Carly Universal adapter and the full version and am very disappointed.
5. It will connect to my OBII adapter and then will not move past the 3rd part of the connection process.
6. The interface is confusing but you can figure it out- screen space is wasted on how much you saved and a scary warning that doesn't mean anything.Fails 90% of the time.
7. Request to work out some other options without the subscription was returned like "nope, you need to pay subscription".
8. When it finally did connect it lost connection when I tried register my car battery (one of their selling features).
9. Yes, need to buy the adapter and the full version, but that compares favorably to one shop visit.
10. You spend most of the time sitting in the car running the battery down or wasting gas trying to get this thing to connect.
11. So, I'm going to return it and will end up not paying anything at all, though I'm not sure how that's better for the business... Also, people who need money will work with you, so... Think for yourself, guys.
I Request to cancel my subscription yearly.
Bonjour, j'ai récemment acheté le boîtier carly ainsi que l'application carly BMW & MINI.
Lors de mes achats, je me suis connecté au site avec mon compte facebook, seulement je me suis rendu compte que je n'avais pas accès à a l'adresse mail enregistrée sur mon compte Facebook (facebookmikelegay@redacted), j'ai donc changé l'adresse mail de mon facebook par une adresse mail à laquelle j'avais accès (mikelegay2@redacted).
Depuis que j'ai fait cela, je n'ai plus la version PRO BMW & MINI sur l'application carly alors que je l'ai achetée...
D'avance merci de m'apporter une réponse au plus vite.
Mike Legay