1. However, you could add a few slides on the detection approach u use... It may all be accurate, but someone analytical will not perceive it all too credible without understanding the aaproach.As someone else has mentioned, I've taken multiple photos of the same mole with almost identical lighting and focus and results have varied from 0.03% to 33%.
2. It is possible to take 3 crystal clear images with great lighting and still recieve different responses using your app.Simple and free (with some add, but it's totally fine).
3. It will throw up some positive results to make you panic and pay for deep scan feature that it claims is more accurate.This app is really great , I wonder how they made it .
4. I took high resolution 48 megapixel pictures of the same mole about 10 times in daylight and got totally different results everytime.
5. Results ranged from 99% skin cancer (melanoma) and 14% negative and clear.
6. After App Developers Comment: I understand the need for clear images with proper lighting.
7. You can take 3 images of the same mole starting up close then backing up for each additional photo.
8. 5 positive results and 5 negative results.
9. If they were close in Melanoma risk then I would say great app but they are very far apart in the analysis which doesnt help much.
10. The results are pretty accurate .
11. Honestly this is exactly what I was looking for and the best analysis tool i found.New interface looks good.