1. I've installed twice and uninstalled twice because the app keeps bringing up an error message whenever I add my location so basically rendering the whole app useless as it won't move past the enter location screen.
2. But it keeps giving me an error saying to give my real phone number!! I tried with and without dashes.
3. :( ("Authorization Error Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Google's OAuth 2.0 policy.")Disappointing. I am not liking this app at all.
4. Free cycle is a nationwide yahoo group for giving stuff away rather than trashing it and it's much more productive.I can't get to sign up screen, but yet I'm getting notifications.
5. I'm trying to contact some person directly about a listing she published but just doesn't appear any direct message or chat option.
6. I also asked for something and that's not showing either..Great idea, needs a few tweaks - the biggest thing is that I never get notifications.How can I delete my profile in this app.
7. On Android, tried to create an account by signing in with Google credentials, just brings up security errors.
8. Please advice how to delete my profile.Great people all LOS ANGELES ...oh yeah in the city too.
9. I think the concept is awesome (which is why I gave two stars instead of one) but it's gotta work to actually BE awesome.
10. Even tried adding a "1" to the front in case it needed the international code.
11. There are also no ads! It's just a great overall experience.I'm trying to sign up.