1. If someone knows how to be able to program this app to where it actually tracks your sleep and you can program your info I would change my rating...until then I will keep it at 2stars.Works perfectly.
2. Initial experience frustrating The quick start guide is fine, but the in app 'manual' doesn't allow a search for help - and what is there is minimal.
3. Overall, it is a decent app, but i will be looking for something that works with Google Fit in the future.The app is ok if you just want to track your steps and keep time.
4. -Since the last update I have Not able to sync data the watch collects.
5. the app doesn't start up anymoreThe watch has a nice design and is easy to use/ read, but the app is not syncing up at ALL.
6. It automatically selected 8pm as my sleep time and there doesn't seem to be any way to actually change it to the time I go to bed.
7. The heartbeat seems to work fine, but the sync feature is hit or miss.
8. Sync with phone works great.
9. Text message content appears on device display, though it doesn't allow reply through the device.
10. -I have Never been able to use the sports function options on the watch with the app.
11. Otherwise the app would be great, but I'm just frustrated with these huge issues.It's been working fine.
I received my smart ring a couple of days ago and although I set up as the guidance said it only worked briefly. My phone says it is connected but I cannot see a single measurement of anything on the App. When I click on Device and try and scan I keep getting messages telling me the requirements e.g. powered and nearby whici it is but still nothing works - please advise, thanks Sue
I have a jyoupro smart watch and it will not charge no matter where it is plugged in I have made sure the connection is clean I have tried different areas in the he house and I have made sure to he connection is secure and I still get nothing but it flashing back and forth between charging and not charging
I signed off the app on my phone after using it for a few weeks & don't want to loose the reports. However, I forgot my password & can't log on the phone app. Please send password reset to either deeinamor@redacted or (973) 936-4565. Thank you
Hello, I have a ring and I registered in the app. Now it tells me I have put in the wrong password when I want to log in. I have asked for a password reset many times but have not received an answer. How do we fix this issue . Thanks
Return and Refund immediately!! Piece of junk!!
Lost history
I can’t get messages on my smartwatch and everything is turned on
My watch isn't connecting to my phone says cannot connect to communication?
Just got my watch, trying to connect it to my phone, and there's no devices menu on the app like the instructions say.
I just bought your watch really like it however I can't seem to register ? How do I register
My dial Market is not working it will not let me download any new watch faces
I am having trouble getting my smartwatch to synch with my smartphone
it is not accepting my password
Just bought a smart watch from you It does not work How can I return for a refund
I just got a new charge for the watch watch and I know it's completely dead but when I connected it magnetically shooting to be showing some sort of charging
The App isn't syncing the steps shown on my watch. The App has a button to connect to google fit but it isn't doing anything. How do I rememdy these problems.
App won’t sync with watch
Je voudrais télécharger plus de watch faces dans l'APP. Comme je dois faire? Je suis conforme avec l'APP mais je voudrais changer l'magen de quelque cadran....MERCI en avance
I installed the app and set the Bluetooth. The watch is working. However, it will not stop vibrating. Please advise.
The screen is not reactive and the watch is stuck on power saving mode.
My watch is in power saving mode and the screen is frozen and I cannot gain access.
JyouPro app connects with my FT805HR fitness watch but doesn,t update the time and date on my watch. Have tried all proposed solutions already
I am not getting notifications on my watch and I am using the JYou Pro app
Watch will not sync. I have restarted the watch, deleted the app and reinstalled. all other functions work except sync.
I am iPhone 12 Pro Max user latest version 17 update September 18 Jyou pro Gizmotbrand Gizmore smart watch using I am iPhone 12 Pro Max using latest update 17 update but wallpaper changes not working please update app wallpaper changes not working smart watch
I have a tsport duel time watch and it needs a new battery where do i send it back to
My watch is always showing the same value for blood glucose level of 4.9 Is there something wrong with the device
Help!!! My watch refuses to sync. I know my blue tooth is working as when ever I connect my devices, the watch constantly vibrates.....which is unfuriating! The date and time are not synching either so this watch is pretty damn useless right now. Please educate me on how to get this flipping watch to work!
I’m unable to log in to set up my account. I keep getting Registration Error 1001 or 1005
I cannot login nor can I find the Bluetooth symbol, How to connect the phone to the watch?
Hi, I just purchased this watch G28 and I like it very much but the only problem is I can't find a way to change the weather from celcius to farenheit. Can someone help me with this problem please? Thank you for your help in advance.
Hello. I brought a smart watch but the app won’t let me change the dial design. It says ‘sync failed, please try again’
I really need someone to please call me. It's regarding connecting my Fitness Tracker v3.21.4. I'm using the JYouPro App. On app it's Y9-3C B9 and that's is what is paired with Bluetooth. I'm trying to get my activity to sync with my WW App. When I click on connect Y9-3Cb9 in Bluetooth says device needs an app but I'm connected to app. I've unpaired, logged out and back into JYouPro app, everything. Steps show on my watch and JYouPro app but not on WW app. I purchased watch in 2021. Samsung Phone was purchased in 2022. My number is 727 641 2560. Thank you, Maggie, a 68 yr old not good with electronics, hence the phone call. 😉
My phone won’t charge less than 6 month’s old
Can you please advise.. I'm looking for new smart watch dial market faces .. I have not seen any new uploads or change options .. Definitely looking for dials/faces that include Steps, Date, Time, battery, temperature with colorful options, please advise when JYouPro plans on adding new/more options, thank you very much, I greatly appreciate your service, be well and stay safe always .. Thank you again !! Sincerely, Chester M. Mattia
I sent email today, but the main problem is. The app says,: This account does not exist account with JVouPro? I creating account many time. I cannot create account on the app, No option to create, but only to login. I tried to login and se notice: THIS ACCOUNT DOES NOT EXIST. Please send link to create account . Thank you. ARNOLD
How to sync JVouPro with my Smartphone phone? Android Galaxy S20 - Please Help Arnold
My watch won't stop vibrating. It won't turn off it just continually vibrates. Also the green light glasses non stop on the back of the watch while it's continually vibrates.
I love this watch but I have tried everything to not have the phone calls or apps I open to not talk through the watch. Please give advice. I have an android phone. Thank you.
Would like to set up bloodship blood pressure check automatically
Trying to get my watch to reiterate my email and password
G28 Smart watch won't pair. There's NO option for Bluetooth
Can i get text on my watch let me no how
When I try to sign in it says my account does not exist; when I try to register the same account it says that the account already exists so I can't sign in.
My watch has stopped displaying the last 3 options and cycles through those and buzzes louds for each even when I'm trying to sleep. It has stopped tracking my sleep as well.
Cannot get JYouPro to sync with app on my iPhone.
This is not a complaint as such, but I see that the watch face you used in your advertisement is not included in the numerous watch faces you have in the app. The watch face is a white analog and a digital clock. Could you please incude that in your next update? That watch face attracted me to buy the watch. Thank you in advance.
Not a complaint, just a query. How do I get the screen to stay open for longer, sometimes I don’t even have time to read the time
Please I need a charging chord for my smart wrist watch Model: HG04-2F58; VERSION NO: V1.0.7. I will also appreciate it if you cwn direct me where to buy any charging chord manufacured to your specification also. Your response would highly be appreciated. Thank you Happy customer Ikedinachi ikedikings@redacted
My jyoupro watch is not showing the right time
My jyoupro watch is showing up as 00:31
My jyoupro watch is showing up as 00:28
I brought one of your watches and it won't let me connect
My jyoupro watch is showing up as 00:59
Have 2 watches. One I have had for some time. A week ago the green lights on back starting flashing and started vibrating and wouldn’t stop. I let it run down and recharged it. Then it starting vibrating again and wouldn’t sip did it ran battery down. The other one is a new one that l haven’t used but just in my closet I got it out and charged it but it won’t stay connected. Please advise.
There was an update in order for my JYouPro App so I installed the update. Once I did my phone turned off and now it won't turn back on won't charger or anything! It was fully charged and turned on before the update but once the update finished on the app my watch shut down!
Could you please help. I don't want Phone calls musics To be played on the watch through Bluetooth. How to disable that function but still can synchronize the watch with the phone.
Hi can you please tell me how I can stop my watch playing audio sounds from my Facebook or anything when I look at a video on my galaxy s 23 phone.?
I had a system update to do for my JyouPro watch this morning, and now my watch won’t turn on. What can I do ?
I bough a watch and it quit after one week won’t charge. HG-04-OF1A
My new smart watch will not show my messages on text
I have 2 smart watches that are 2 weeks old, as of today for some reason neither want to take a charge, I know both my chargers can't be the problem, I tried 3 different charging stations with no luck, I'm baffled, yesterday the watch was able to charge, everything else is working, unfortunately it needs to be charged, but unfortunately it's not, very disappointed, I love this smart watch, does everything I want, please please HELP !!!
unable to make or receive calls / can't use the music can't upload my picture
watch won't charge - plug it in and it doesn't turn green
How do I stop my JYouPro watch from automatically picking up mic and phone calls?
Cannot read Chinese on download of app jyoupro must be in English ALSO download must be secure with https Please action asap
I can't change the password and my watch is still saying it is connected but my phone is saying it is not connected. I have gotten very frustrated I just received the watch and it is not user friendly at all.
Blood pressure monitor is wrong I have hypertension and it shows very low blood pressure: 90/55
How do I track my sleep. I went to sleep with the watch on but it says I have zero hours of sleep
I can't locate my watch
My Jyoupro will not connect. Says"The bracelet has been disconnected". Turned bracelet on and try to connect with bluetooth, keeps saying Connection Unsuccessful. Bracelet right next to ipad.
Hi the piece that connects the band snapped off Registered for the extended warranty am I covered for a replacement. I love the fitness tracker
Can't find if it is waterproof or not pls help Also where can I get replacement bands for it
Can't find if it is waterproof or not pls help Also where can I get replacement bands for it
App update
Can't bind device with mobile
Need replacement Band for my JYOUPRO Tracker. Where can I get one? Thanks
i can't locate my JYouPro.. My adroid app says it is charged and bluetooth is on and that it is within 10 metres of my phone but I can't hear it. Can you help me find my JYouPro?
i forgot my password
I can't seem to log into my jyoupro app.
Problem with watch
Don't proper work please just change
The app is not syncing with the device. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app, put it back to factory settings but still won't sync. It was syncing for about 3 weeks and was great then just stopped. Can you please help? Thanks
needed to change my password; can't log on
I downloaded the jyoupro app because my smart watch says to do that. When I'm trying to pair the app with my watch it keeps saying in the app that my Bluetooth isn't turned on but it is? What can I do? It won't search for my watch through the app
I saw that it wasn’t connected to Bluetooth so I tried to reconnect it on Bluetooth then it didn’t work so I tried disconnected the device on the app and now when I scan for devices it won’t pop up
I finally deleted the app from my phone. Could not at any time get registered through the app and could not use it. Now my watch is 8 minutes fast and I would like to get it set correctly and try the app again. I have an Android phine.
My device does not turn on. The watch is black. I can charge it, and then it shows that it is charging, but it does not show anything else
I'm failing to register onto the app
Blood pressure monitor is wrong I have hypertension and it shows very low blood pressure: 90/55
Blood pressure monitor is wrong I have hypertension and it shows very low blood pressure: 90/55
How do I register not let me login
I normally don't complain about products but I m not satisfied with this product I have not had the watch the long and its not holding a charger so I can't wear it to track my steps tried to contact the company won't help me with a replacement something about a warranty I bought this watch this cricket and I can't even get my money back very dissatisfied with how you handle complaints
How do you get it to stay charge longer. It goes off after 4 hrs and I charge it overnight. Can’t wear to see how long I sleep at night.
How can I stop the phone noise on my watch
How do I stop calls coming over my watch
I need to get it off military time
Watch will not charge. Help
What to do to keep watch stay charged
I am not getting text message notifications on my watch, I have disconnected the device, reset the device, uninstalled the app and redownloaded it. I have accepted the permissions to have access to do so and they are still not coming through.