1. Continue shopping on AliExpress, Booking, eBay, Banggood and many other stores and get up to 40% of the cost of the items back to your balance in MegaBonus.
2. MegaBonus is a cashback service allowing to get back some of the money spent on purchases online.
3. Get up to 40% of the price of online purchases in favorite online stores!
4. To start saving, install MegaBonus app totally free of charge.
5. You can withdraw the cashback after you confirm receiving the item. 4.
6. You can buy on AliExpress, Banggood, Tutu. ru, Booking, JD, iHerb, Gearbest, Agoda, ASOS, OneTwoTrip, NEWBEAUTYBOX, Finn Flare, even cheaper with MegaBonus app!
1. 👍I wasn't able to take my money out for over 2 months, but once they fixed and re-added the PayPal option (couple of weeks ago), I received my payout with no problem!Great app and great experience till now.
2. I can easily withdraw the money and I receive it within the 6 days term with no problem.
3. And all I had to do for this money is activate my account for which store I was doing my online shopping with.
4. PayPal ) thar you can use towards future purchases with a large amount of store to choose from .
5. Eventually after having achieved an amount , you can withdraw that money (several ways , ie.
6. I've been using it since 2017 and cash back percentages have been increasing year by year.
7. Each store has a certain purchase percentage that goes into your Megabonus Wallet.
8. But the cashback on some websites like AliExpress is lower compared to other platforms.
9. All the sudden, when I logged in, all the data was gone and I lost all the money.
10. thanksI've had an account with Megabonus for approx.
11. .just very hard to get Cashback in my country, kindly do something about it .