1. Außerdem natürlich die ausführlichen, fortlaufend aktualisierten Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise des Auswärtigen Amts zu jedem Land. - Adressen zu den Ländern sind jetzt übersichtlicher und i. d. R.
2. Mit an Bord: eine Checkliste für Ihre Reisevorbereitung, die Adressen der deutschen Vertretungen im Ausland und der Vertretungen Ihres Reiselandes in Deutschland.
3. Finden Sie Hinweise für das Verhalten in Notfällen und geben Sie Ihren Kontakten in Krisenfällen mit einem Klick Bescheid, dass es Ihnen gut geht.
4. Die nötigen Infos für eine sichere und möglichst reibungslose Auslandsreise in der neuen App des Auswärtigen Amts.
5. Der Name ist Programm.
1. Recommended!Pls, give Covid-19 priority or STOP promoting it as helpful for keeping up to date on Covid-rules around travel destinations - it is not!!Please if possible provide a translation to english.Unfortunately not available in EnglishTranslate to EnglishFrom 2021 up to know I have been reading the and get a lot of information a bout the calure of Germany Canada and farance I get the results of my lovely calure and honestly The people of ur At is a bout tow nights that I can't sleep My eyes are just looking the news of CNN Some times I asked from Mon that is it about my article and Mon smileng She is asking me where is our visa and taket 18 months I am waiting trying to get a chance and to me That I could said I have something to shareData for Switzerland from 2017 pre Covid.
2. Simply stating a "Reisewarnung" and borders open but not any tangible info what the warning entails.Very good app with detailed country information and very up-to-date advice.
3. A simple colour highlighting of what actually changed would be much more helpfulI guess this app is helpful for country related info... It's irrelevant for warnings though.
4. The app is a good idea but if I pin a country and then receive a notification that the conditions have changed, I have no way of finding out what actually changed.
5. All sorts of links referring to government sites and RKI routing to their home pages.
6. "aktuelles" ist still an incredibly long list of items.