1. The developer email goes direct to my email and gets answered personally.
2. The standard model of particle physics reference app.
3. The original, free Standard Model app.
4. You guys are awesome, and the advice has seriously made this a better app.
5. It has become a community project at this point.
6. Please keep up the suggestions.
7. This app will always remain free and ad-free, thank you all for your support! Comments? Questions? Requests? Use my developer email!
1. It would be useful to expand it ti cover the standard model equation with an explanation of all the symbols and terms.I was hoping for more Higgs decaying into an electron and a positron, which is curious in that 125GV is way beyond the combined simple mass energy if you accelerate an electron and a positron in opposite directions around a magnetically accelerated dual ring.
2. It doesn't help you really understand the Standard Model.Helps give a very good and quick basic understanding of the Standard Model of particles.I definitely love the basic html structure of the app it's beautifully made, and the info looks juicy so I'm going to suck it out :)Great for basic concise info that should be memorized; this app will help to commit it to memory.
3. What is the Energy of matter-antimatter annihilation? Is it 125GeV-0.000512GeV?Like the couthfullness of the March twards the gravity , slip engine! We do have a Mercury spinning bowl a ND some magnitism (yes we avoid 32ft.)per sec at floating on Earth's gravity with gaused engines from the 1970$.!!Excellent resource, with links to Wikipedia for even more information.
4. If it was expanded to include a very basic descriptive model that would be nice too.Great app for the standard model particles, forces and their properties.
5. When the electron and positron collide their mass energy is only 2x 0.512MeV if both electron and positron have been accelerated ot 99% c the velocity of light.
6. It interacts only with gravity.For someone like me, who just wants an overview to replace the Rutherford model taught half a century ago, this is good.
7. Also the photon and electron are said to have wave/particle duality and superposition but the others do as well.
8. This is good but the Tau τ decay says N/A making it look like it does not decay.
9. Also the photon mediates the EM force, but does not interact with it.
10. Good though.
11. It lacks important information.