1. all that I can access is my phone's internal storage and SD cardWorks great on my Note 10 + running Android 10, it was easy to setup this device and allows me to share a paid wifi connection with a my devices instead of just oneCan you update the app now? It's been over 2 years since it was updated.
2. Fix the app.Before I had problem like it's not connected or harddisk not showing bit as I switch off my internet it work like a charm..... Android phone ask if no internet connection to keep or disconnect choose keep.
3. It will work.I am not able to access the storage device attached to my tripmate Nano in spite of of being connected to the network.
4. I tried to access my hard drive wirelessly but it says wifi has no internet access.
5. Now the app itself tells me that it was built for older android version.For those that brought a HooToo device, this isn't their app.
6. But at this point, the app (and the HooToo TripMate travel router) is useless.
7. App and interface is useless.Connects fine, but can't play any of my MP4 or AVI files.
8. Everytime I try to log into the app it tells me that the device is off.
9. I don't want to use it as a router but only to view my hard drive wirelessly.
10. I can connect to the wifi with my OnePlus.
11. My kids iPads can connect with no issues.