1. I have no suggestions (that's a first...ask my wife!)How can an app this simple be this bad? You can't lable scenes or shots by letter only numbers? Scene 1, shot 1, take 1??? How confusing... Have you been on a film set? Doesn't work well with the keyboard, cue me looking like an idiot in front of clients because I can't update this slate? Oh, I haven't even gotten on set with it yet... Imagine what else I'll find after working with it for more than 2 minutes...Amazingly Simplistic! This is exactly what I'm looking for.
2. Will make organizing faster and easier, which will in turn make editing faster and easier!There is a noticeable delay between the image flashing and the sound of the clapper, which makes this useless for audio syncing.There is really no reason to have Scene and Shot as separate fields.
3. Would make more sense to just eliminate the shot field altogether and have Scene be alphanumeric by default.Yooo thank you! This is exactly qhat i was looking for.
4. The number is the scene number and the letter is the shot.
5. It would be great if in felds "scene" and some others will be possibility to write letters and other text if needed.Great. Just one thing.
6. In the main window it's SCENE SHOT TAKE but in the shot log it's SCENE TAKE SHOT.
7. Also the lens and framerates could be larger but that info can just be referenced by the shot number and the metadata.
8. Its simple, easy to use, claps/tones, color changes, number and alphanumer, scenes, shots, takes, and even more.It's simple and no fluff.
9. EDIT: Oh, it does have a title field! Devs nailed it! EDIT 2: Figured out the lens size info.
10. The other clapboard apps dont flash or do anything! How am i sposed to sync up the audio and video if i can barely tell when the clapboard hits? This app totally nails it.
11. Would be good if the shot log was the same as the main window.