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1. Looks like I can get the regular app which I also have on my Samsung TV translated to English but not this news app, disappointed tried everything and I have to give up, wouldn't have gone to the regular app but because I watch on TV Google removed the permissions! Review 2022, trying to install again & sadly I can't get it in English! Only the other one on the TV has subtitles or English MHz Choice has subtitles 😭I am using this app as a language learner and I find the overall experience pretty good.
2. It was an essential feature for me as a german learner to combine google translate with it and understand complex sentence structures.Been staring at an orange dot on a white background for 5 minutes now, after freshly installing the app, even though I am connected to my wifi at home and I have no other problems with it atm.
3. Annoying that a lot of the articles include tweets or other social media stuff that would require accepting to the respective T&Cs.When I want to know what's going on in Germany and Europe, ZDFheute is the best.
4. Now when I click on a single word, Translate does not show up! It's useless anymore for a German lerner! Hugely dissapointed...Generally very informative, in headlines.
5. A child programmer in one of the toyally underdevelopped countries could have done better.Bring back google translate! The app used to let the text to be selected and highlighted.
6. However, disabling the text selection seems silly and annoying, as now when I see an unknown word, I have to type in the word manually in a dictionary app.
7. Ich kann auch mein Deutsch weiter lernen, was für mich sehr wichtig ist.Useless for me as it doesn't work on Chromecast at all.
8. Disappointing.It was compatible with Google Translate before the last update.
9. Cant even read text news.New version catastrophic incompetence.
10. Seems ZDF application or server applying the same country block they have on sport and apply it now to all content.
11. Would you either enable the text selection?Again this same issue happening.