1. Download WhutsFree to get 100% FREE deals in your area—without ever requiring any kind of purchase from you!
2. Also save on other local offers with exclusive coupons and special deals.
3. Find offers on great food, activities, and services.
4. Checkout WhutsFree to see what FREE offers are near you.
5. Who wouldn't want great 100% FREE stuff?
6. Get started today and discover all of the great deals in your area!
7. WhutsFree isn't yet available in all cities, but we're growing.
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9. Looking to try out a new restaurant or get into shape?
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1. Can't ask for better dealsThe only reason I'm not getting 5 stars is because when after you've gone to a website and filled out the information to get whatever and you go back to the what's free app you have to start all the way back over and that is the most annoying thing if you're like 65 pages in other than that they actually come in there actually free free shipping free product y'all checkTotally completely useless app.
2. Love the concept tho 👍👍It's alright i reckon... Lots of samples, stickers etc to recieve through the mail.this app is bogus...free samples or so many days free trial...not worth it and no free food or anything showing up where I live 👎Fake app.
3. No local offers but plenty of online with free shipping.
4. I've never seen an app with entirely FREE stuff before! The phrase "No Purchase Necessary" packs a punch.
5. I've redeemed like 10 or more free items that are free shipping.
6. I Love it.I understand that it updates when there are new locations, so I'm giving it 3 stars for now and once it comes to my location, I will hopefully be able to give it 5 stars.
7. If I never receive my samples I'll change my review but so far I think this is great.
8. And great marketing for smaller companies to get known.
9. No fastfood or any food offers.
10. 5 stars.
11. Wow I love this.