1. Don't order from them if you're expecting to receive it within a certain time frame, it won't arrive in time! Waste of phone space!Not sure how ordering stuff works.
2. No thanksThey like know my contacts, location N pictures... I don't think so!!!!when I go to check out it says select your city.
3. can't order anything.not a single wooden tobacco pipe on this appTook to long to get startedIssues with logging in and no contact info for questions or customer service.
4. When browsing their merchandise it says something about check to see if this is available for cash on delivery and I put my zipcode and it says yes it is.
5. It had cool stuff and great prices but nothing ever comes so :(Looks great great prices great pieces.
6. To my surprise, it was STILL pending, it had not even been processed or left the store!! I ordered from 2 other similar companies that arrived in 3 days each.
7. Ridiculously long wait for orders! I waited over 2 weeks for my item I ordered to arrive.
8. So I clicked confirm and put my address and it says I'll get a confirmation email which I did but then nothing ever happend.
9. Doesn't work without giving your pictures and contacts.
10. Quickly uninstall.I couldn't even get the app to load without granting location permissions and camera access.
11. Low prices aren't worth the wait.