1. ThanksDoesn't show calendar event title since last update - only shows a color block on the day of event.
2. Only thing I hope can be incorporated in a future update, is the ability for the calendar to reset itself to the current date after the screen goes off.
3. Looks good but can't add events or reminders or notes solely to this app as it uses phone's default calendar app for that (then what's the point of this app?).
4. Hope dev considers these critical points and actually make a worthy wholesome app that makes us ditch Google & Mi calendar.
5. Only a request dear developer, the text size adjustment and other options in the list widget are highly needed.
6. Great selection of widgets, lot of customization options for a small fee for the premium version and very aesthetically appealing.
7. How could yellow truns up to red?Been looking for something like this for awhile this is absolutely brilliant going to pay for the full version just because it's cheap and because it's such a great.
8. Most of the time widget displays a blank white screen with a black loading time across the top.
9. Very disappointed after a long time of being totally satisfied across multiple devices.If an app that is as simple is this doesn't work & instead complicates all, then its best to look for alternatives.
10. Please advise how to fixThe best calendar widget app I've come across.
11. After using the free version for a while, I realized how good this app is so I purchased the pro for even more options.